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Saturday night finally arrives. I park my car a little further from the bar this time, as there are dozens of cars parked near the entrance. I'm not surprised, the bar must be packed on a Saturday night, especially if Jimin's giving the kind of show I'm thinking about.

As I approach the counter, I see a face I don't recognize calmly serving the customers. He looks very professional and mature, even if he has quite the baby face. Thin pink lips, chubby cheeks, round glimmering eyes and straight black hair. His skin is very fair. He looks like a doll. Are all the men that work in this bar gorgeous? I stare at his badge for a moment. "Yoongi".

He glares at people in a very cold way which seems to intimidate the customers without pushing them away

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He glares at people in a very cold way which seems to intimidate the customers without pushing them away. Some still try to flirt with him.

I look at the time. 7:37 pm. I got here a little earlier than planned. He doesn't look very friendly, but I still have to ask someone if Jimin's inside, as I wouldn't want to go in and end up witnessing something awkward. Like a Namjin makeout session. Again.
I approach Yoongi timidly.

"Hey... Is Jimin in the backroom?" I stutter.

"Who are you?" He asks.

He glares at me so coldly that I feel my blood freezing inside my veins. I gulp and look down, then show him my bracelet.

"A... An acquaintance of Jimin."

I didn't know what to say besides that. How do I even call our relationship? Lovers? Too soon. Friends? ...Nah. Fuckbuddies? We don't have sex. Saying "acquaintance" makes you look mysterious and fancy. Perfect.
Yoongi sighs.

"Yeah, he just got here five minutes ago. He's in his room getting ready for the show." He says.

I nod and thank him before going towards the backroom. Jimin wasn't exaggerating. Two scary guards are standing in front of the door, blocking the way. I walk up to them and show them my bracelet. They look at me suspiciously before opening the door and closing it once I'm inside. I'm seriously glad they weren't here last time.

I go to the room with the "JM" plate and walk in without knocking. I've already seen him naked. Screw the rules.
Jimin's eyes sparkle when he sees me. I close the door behind me and he suddenly starts running in my direction. He jumps on me and hangs on to the back of my neck, with his legs folded around my waist. I grab his butt to keep him in place. I swear to god. Just to keep him in place.

He kisses me passionately, running his fingers through my hair. His soft touch gives me chills all over. He then plants a little peck on my nose and offers me the most adorable smile on the face of this Earth. He is so beautiful.

"I missed you." Jimin gently declares, caressing my cheek.

"That was the cutest thing ever. Please do that more often."

I reluctantly put him down and realize he's still fully dressed. He probably just started getting ready when I arrived.

"Why is it weird to see you with clothes on?" I laugh.

The Bartender [JiKook]Where stories live. Discover now