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Jimin is squeezing my waist a little too tight, but I don't mind. His soft snores are often disturbed by little sobs and shaky breaths that fade out as soon as I caress his hair or kiss his forehead. Deeply asleep, his head is resting on my bare chest and I wonder if he can hear my heart thumping through his sleep. The moonlight filtering through the thin curtains rolls on his skin gracefully, making it glow in the darkness.
It was hard to pull him away from Yoongi's hospital bed and bring him home. At 3 am, he only fell asleep about half an hour ago.

I can't sleep.

My thoughts are haunted by the image of a broken man crying on a ruined piano. Haunted by the living corpse of a dear one on a hospital bed. Haunted by the beeps of the ICU machine that still seem so unbelievable. I don't know if Jimin is aware of what happened, though my guess is probably not since he didn't leave Yoongi's side. I also have no idea whether or not he needs to know, or if I should spare him the curse of sleepless nights and sheer heartache.

Jimin snuggles closer to me, closing up the already tiny space between us as if he was afraid I might just slip out of his hold.


"Kookie... Kookie wake up." A familiar soft voice gently pulls me out of sleep.

His hand is gently placed on my cheek, thumb caressing it. My body is heavy from the insufficient sleep as I force my eyelids open with difficulty. I blink a few times to adjust to the new brightness, and Jimin's beautiful face hovering over mine brings a faint smile to my face.

"Mmm, why so early?" I ask, groggily sitting up and sneaking my hands around his waist.

"Yoongi is conscious," he starts, relief dripping out of his voice. "Let's go see him at the hospital."

Energy suddenly surges through me like a shockwave. I let go of him and stand up, not at all bothered by the fact I'm not very clothed - that being a polite way of saying I'm butt naked - and make my way to the closet to pick up a random outfit. I hear Jimin chuckle behind me and turn around swiftly, a pair of boxers and sweatpants in one hand and a t-shirt in the other. Jimin's lips are curved into a beautiful smile, the first one since Namjoon called us while we were in Henry's shop. It makes my heart sink to the very bottom of my chest, and I can't help but smile as well.

"What did I do to earn that smile?" I ask.

"Nice butt." He laughs and that makes my heart flutter. "I didn't even notice that you slept naked next to me. Good thing, or we wouldn't have slept."

Park fucking Jimin or the only person capable of flirting so early in the morning. I laugh along with him and start putting my boxers on. He jokingly pouts at that. Once I've got my sweatpants on, I open my arms wide for him with my shirt still in my hand.

"Come here."

He moves swiftly and buries his face in my chest, his arms wrapped around my waist as he exhales softly. His warm breath on my bare skin is so calming, the strands of his soft hair are brushing against my chest and neck. Soon enough, his grip around my waist grows tighter, and he starts to shiver slightly. The warmth of the room tells me it's not from the cold.

"Jiminie." I speak in a gentle tone, stroking his back with my hand. "Don't worry. I'm right here."

He lets out a long, shaky breath.


"I fucking swear Taehyung, if you make one more weird ass face-"

Yoongi rolls his eyes so far back he can probably see his damn brain as Taehyung once again pulls an impossibly hilarious face.

The Bartender [JiKook]Where stories live. Discover now