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Yoonseok special

This is a little break to learn more about the relationship between Yoongi and Hoseok. It still takes place in the same universe and timeline as the fanfiction. In order for this chapter to be possible however, the usual Jungkook POV has to change. Enjoy ~

●●in Yoongi's eyes●●●●●

Once we're finally done cleaning up the mess we made for Jimin's birthday, everyone goes to their respective backstage rooms to get ready, as the bar opens in thirty minutes. Hoseok and I aren't on bar duty tonight however, since we have a show tonight and I seriously need to practice my dancing.
I'm excited and terrified at the same time when I think about dancing with Hoseok. Part of me thinks I'm a genius, so I'll do great after all. But the other part thinks I'm going to struggle to keep up with such a talented dancer.

I change into my workout clothes so I can head to practice with Hoseok in his room. I place my hand on the doorknob, nervous sweats already making their way down my forehead. Suddenly, someone pushes the door open, making me lose my balance and fall down on my ass. I grunt at the shock and let out a dozen curse words.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry!"

I recognize the voice instantly. I lift my head to look at Hoseok's glimmering face, as he crouches down to help me. He grabs my arm, trying to pull me up, but I push it away.

"I can get up myself just fine. Next time, knock before coming in."

Hoseok's eyes widen at my surprisingly calm reaction. Even I am pretty shaken up by the way I didn't scold him and insult him like I usually do with everyone else. I can't bring myself to be mad at him no matter what he does, and I hate that feeling so much. Silently, Hoseok waits for me to get up with a nervous smile on his face. His gaze drops to look at my body, and his expression changes.

"Ah, you actually have to be in your costume for the last practice. Just in case it makes movement more limited than workout clothes, so you can adjust for the show." He explains.

I nod and head back to the corner of the room where all my work clothes are displayed, along with tonight's outfit which I borrowed from Jimin's room. I remove my shirt and fold it to put it on the table nearby. I place my hand on the waistband of my pants and my entire body freezes. I can feel Hoseok's eyes burning into my back and his gaze weighing on me so heavily I'm afraid I might collapse. We've been in the same room naked so many times, and even if I was quite frustrated at times, it was never enough to make me this uncomfortable. After a few seconds, Hoseok speaks up in a concerned tone.

"Are you okay, Yoongi?"

I hold my breath. He's just looking at whatever's in front of him. He probably doesn't overthink it as much as I do. I awkwardly stretch the waistband and drop the pants to my feet, cotton brushing against my legs. I push it away with a slide of my toes and pull the outfit out of the closet. Thankfully, it's quite a simple one compared to the ones Jimin usually wears: black shirt and white tight striped pants. I start with the pants and notice that they fit loose as I am much skinnier than Jimin. As for the black shirt, I clip it up to the last metallic button and realize its collar is extremely low, which blatantly reveals the outline of my chest. I try to ignore those shameful details, considering the fact I'm supposed to be a stripper tonight. I managed to negotiate with the boss to not take my shirt off, and instead I am obliged to wear whatever they give me. I already regret accepting to replace Jimin.

I turn around and lock eyes with Hoseok. His chest pumps high up and stops, as if he just took a deep breath and held it in. I mess with my hair a little and decide to break the awkward silence.

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