Chapter 34

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Everything was perfect.

What more could a girl ask for?

It was a beautiful starry night which was enough to set a romantic mood. I was filled up with food and in a very good mood. And right above me or rather on top of me, lay a very handsome guy whose eyes were filled with need and want as he stared down at me.

He wanted to kiss me.

A guy as hot as Drew actually wanted to kiss me.

Again, what more could a girl ask for?

Everything seemed to move in slow motion at that moment. Drew inched closer to me and I found myself leaning in also. But then, for some reason and at that exact moment, my mind was no longer focused on Drew and what was about to happen. The only thing that came to mind was a set of pretty green eyes.

Drew's eyes were grey not green. But, Damon's eyes were.

And for some reason, this all felt wrong. The thought of kissing Drew felt very wrong and I just could not do it.

"You have a girlfriend," I whispered to Drew whose lips were barely a hair's breadth away from mine. If that wasn't enough to kill the mood then I don't know what was.

Damn you Damon!

Even after everything you've done, I still can't get my mind off you.

"What?" The stud who was on top of me seconds ago asked sitting up. "Your girlfriend, Amy Carpenter. Remember her?" I asked sitting up as well. Drew looked confused for a minute but then he groaned running both hands down his face.

"She's not my girlfriend." He got out past his hands that covered his face. From the sound and tone of his voice, I could tell that he was seriously pissed and it was quite obvious it had something to do with Amy.

What was he saying? There was no point lying to me. The whole school knew that he and Amy were in a relationship. Why would he deny it anyway? Most guys would kill to be paid the same attention that Amy paid to Drew.

"Yes she is," I stated matter of factly. "No she is not," he said. "We hooked up a couple of times but that was it. For some reason, she doesn't get that that was all it was, a hook up."



Neither of us said anything as we settled into an awkward silence after that. Of course the mood was gone now and I couldn't help but think that it would have been a healthy distraction from Damon.

'Why couldn't you just kiss Drew? It wasn't everyday a guy as hot as that wanted to kiss you.' I scolded myself.

"Who is Alec?" I finally asked disrupting the silence. Drew looked rather stunned by my question. He whipped his head around to face me. "What do you mean?" He asked, confusion clear on his face and I rolled my eyes at his question.

"Who is Alec really? And why does his mere presence rile you up so much?" I asked rather curious. The tension that had been around the two guys could be cut with a knife and it really did make me wonder. Drew stared at me and I stared right back.

Finally, he let out a sigh and fell back on the blanket below us. "Alec was my best friend. You know, the one who..."

"...slept with your girlfriend." I finished off for him. Drew had never told me the name of his best friend.

Wow! And to think for a minute that I actually liked the guy. On the other hand, I really could not blame Drew's ex-girlfriend.

Alec was hot and that could not be argued.

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