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Tori's P.O.V.

I got off the plane and started looking for my luggage. Playlist was tomorrow and I don't know whether I was excited or terrified for the day. Of course I was excited to meet people, but what if I run into someone I don't really want to run into? Like.. oh, I don't know, Ma-

"Tori!" I heard someone shout from behind me. I turned around and my eyes met with his. Speak of the devil. No. What the hell is wrong with him?

I turned back around and quickly found my luggage.

"Tori, hey!" He said as he stood next to me. I looked at him and started laughing as I looked down at my luggage, "What are you doing Markus?"

"What do you mean?"

I looked back up at him to see him smiling.

"Wipe that smile off your face. You think it's okay to fucking ignore me and just not reply to anything then act like nothing happened?"

"Oh.. that.." he bit his lip then looked at the ground, "Tori, I wanted to surprise you and show up here unexpectedly."

"Well congratulations, I'm surprised." I adjusted my luggage, "Bye." And with that I made my way outside of the airport.

"Tori!" He shouted as he followed behind me. I stopped outside of the airport and waited for a taxi since I was to lazy to call an uber and I didn't want to wait for it to arrive.

"Tori, I'm sorry. Please forgive me." He said as he stood next to me uncomfortably.

"Why would you do that? Why would you think that's okay?"

"I- I don't know.."

"Great response." I waved a taxi but it passed right by me, "fuuuck youu!" I said under my breath as I saw it stop a little further ahead.

Mark got on the edge of the pavement and waved down a taxi. The taxi pulled up right beside him and he opened the back door and looked towards me. I sighed and went into the car, Mark following after.

I told the driver the hotel name and he nodded. The car ride was quite, and a bit awkward. Should I say something? Should I just jump out of the car? You know, that isn't a bad idea.

"I really am sorry." Mark said breaking the awkward silence.

I looked at him then just shrugged, "I'm sorry for overreacting." Was I overreacting? I mean.. in a way? I don't know.

He smiled, "Don't apologize, it was my fault." He looked at his hands then back at me, "So, are we good?"

I smiled a light smile then nodded, "We're good."

We arrived at the hotel and Mark being the gentleman he is, insisted he pay the driver. He held the car door open for me and took my luggage in as I got the keys for the room. We left my luggage in my room then walked to the elevator.

"So, what hotel are you staying in?" I said after the elevator doors closed.

"It's a few blocks away from this one, but I'm thinking of getting a room here." He smiled.

"Oh, you don't have to." I laughed.

"Who said it was for you? This is just a much better hotel than mine." He laughed. I rolled my eyes playfully and nudged him softly as he continued to laugh. The elevator doors opened and I smiled at the group of people who were waiting for the elevator.

"Where should we go first?" I said as we made our way out of the hotel.

He shrugged, "Wherever you want to go."

"I don't know, that's why I asked you."

"MARK!" A girl shouted as she ran towards us. She wrapped her arms around him, "I love you so much, oh my god! Can I have a picture?" She said not letting him go. I wonder if his hugs are comfortable.

"Yeah, sure." He laughed as they parted from the hug. Here eyes met mine, "Tori?" I smiled and nodded, "Hi!"

She smiled and hugged me, then let go, "Are you two dating?"

"No." I said quickly. Mark shrugged, "What's your name?" He asked the girl.

"Angela. I'm going to Playlist tomorrow, I knew coming earlier would pay off." She laughed. She took a quick picture with Mark, then with me, then with both of us.

"Thank you!" She said as she looked from Mark to me.

"See you at Playlist!" I smiled. She nodded and ran down the sidewalk.

"That's always fun." Mark laughed.

"Yeah." I smiled, "Now, where should we go?"

"Let's go to my hotel and get my stuff together so I can get a room here." He smiled.

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