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Tori's P.O.V.

"I ain't felt the pressure in a little whiiiile," I sang along to the song playing on the speaker as I mixed pancake batter.

"It's gonna take some getting used to." Mark sang as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"Good morning gorgeous." He said softly as he let me go and stood beside me.

"Good morning." I chirped.

"GOOD MORNING GOOD MORNING GOOD MORNING!" Joey yelled as he boosted down the stairs.

"Did you make enough pancakes for all of us?" Hunter asked as he walked into the kitchen messing with his hair.

"Of course not!" I smiled as I poured some batter in the pan.

"Can I have a pancake?" Mark laughed. I smiled towards him as I gave him a plate with a pancake.

"I love you!" He said before giving me a peck and making his way to the table.

"I love you too!"

"I'll give you a kiss for a pancake." Joey said as he stood beside me with a smirk.

"Fuck off Joey." Mark said.

"Oops!" Joey tip toed off into the living room.

"So," Blake sighed as he sat down on the counter near me, "You're leaving in three days?"

I frowned, "Don't remind me."

"But it's been a good week, right?" Hunter said as he sat beside Blake.

"A great week." I smiled as I looked towards Mark. Mark looked up at me before plopping a pancake slice in his mouth and smiling. I giggled.

"I hear theres a party going on tonight." Blake says looking down at his phone.

"Oh, what kind of party?"

"Weekend party, who knows. They have parties for anything." Hunter laughs.

"We should go," Blake says putting his phone down, "Mark, are you going?"

"Uh, I don't think so."

"Why not?" I ask as I turn the stove off.

"You want to go?" He says as he pokes a piece of pancake with his fork.

"Yeah," I shrug.

"I don't know, the last party you went to wasn't really a great experience."

"If it goes bad we can just come back and watch movies," I laugh, "Plus I have you to ease the party." I walked to the table and sat in front of him with my plate.

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"Come on! I'm only here for three more days!"

"Yeah Mark! Lets go!" Hunter said as he sat beside Mark.

"Okay okay, lets go." He laughed as he stuffed a piece of pancake in his mouth.


"MARK! AYE!" Zach shouted as he hugged Mark. I've seen a few of Zach's broadcasts, but never really talked to him or anything.

"Hey you're Tori, aren't you?" He said looking at me with a goofy smile.

"The one and only," I laughed.

"Huge fan!" He said as he got my hand and started shaking it hysterically. I laughed as my arm wiggled.

"Mark! Where have you been boyyyy?" A boy with blonde beetle cut hair and blue eyes said as he walked up to Mark and did a hand shake thing.

"What's up Jonas?" Mark chuckled.

"Luna has been asking about you." Jonas said as he nudged Mark with his shoulder.

I looked at Hunter, Blake, and Joey to see them all looking at one another with a smirk.

Um? What is this?

"Wanna ge-" Zach said before I interrupted him by shushing him.

"Where is she?" I heard Mark say in a lower tone than before.

"I'll show you." Jonas laughed as he turned and started walking into the crowd of people.

"I'll be right back!" He shouted to me before following after Jonas.

Um. What??

"Who's Luna?" I said as I put my attention back on Zach.

"Huh?" He shouted over the music.

"Who's Luna?" I shouted over the music.

"Oh, she's this girl that Mark's always with."

"Interesting." I said to nobody but myself.

"Huh?" He shouted over the music again.

"Nothing!" I laughed.

I walked over to Joey, "Where did Mark go?" I asked as if I didn't know.

He nodded, "I'll escort you to him." He extended his hand for me to hold.

I laughed and nodded as I took hold of his hand. He pulled me through the people and into a room filled with smoke. How nice.

"Mark! Can we join you?" Joey chuckled as he sat down in front of Mark. I shrugged and sat next to Joey and in front of a girl who was sitting next to Mark. Luna?

"Your names Tori, right?" She asked with a smile.

I nodded, "and you're Luna?"

She nodded back, "That's me!" She laughed. She took the rolled up paper out of Marks hand and laid it between her lips, making the spark on the edge of the paper light up brighter.

"Puff puff pass yo." Joey laughed as he extended his hand towards Luna. She rolled her eyes and handed it to him before letting out a big cloud of smoke.

"I love your broadcasts Tori," she laughed before looking at Mark and getting closer to him.

"Have you seen her broadcast, Mark? They're so lit."

"Uh, no." He said looking down at his hands.


"What's wrong baby?" Luna said before she started kissing his cheek then going down his neck.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I felt tears build up in my eyes. I got up and slapped Mark, causing Luna to get up right away.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Luna said before looking down at Mark as he held his face.

"He's a fucking cheater!" I felt like punching him. What the hell is this??

"What?" She looked at Mark, "Do you even know her Mark?"

"No." he said not looking up.

Luna looked at me and raised her eyebrows, "Leave."

I looked at Luna then at Mark and smiled, "Fuck you." Then got up and ran out of there so they wouldn't see me cry. I rushed through the crowd and ignored a few people who called my name. I zoomed out the door and onto the lonely road.

"TORI! WAIT!" I heard Blake yell from behind me. I turned around to see a blurry Blake running towards me.

"I'm so sor-"

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?? WHY WOULD YOU LET ME LOOK STUPID?" I said as more tears rolled down my cheek.

"Tor I'm so-" I pushed him back as he began to hug me.

"DON'T CALL ME TOR AND DON'T TOUCH ME." I turned away from him and continued to walk away with tears running down my face.

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