315 8 7

Tori's P.O.V.


@BlakeGray: Hey (:

@BlakeGray: You're Marks little crush, right?





@imtori: uhhh what

@imtori: who are you?

@BlakeGray: I'm one of Marks friends haha sorry

@imtori: o

@BlakeGray: He talks about you so much lmao

@imtori: wowz

@imtori: he talks about me but not to me

@imtori: wassup how cute 🙄🙄

@BlakeGray: Aw I'm sorry

@imtori: its whatever

@imtori: how is he?

@BlakeGray: He's good

@BlakeGray: He misses you tho

@imtori: i miss him )): i wish he would call me, oof.

@BlakeGray: Wanna talk?

@imtori: nah its fine

@BlakeGray: I'll tell him to call you (:

@imtori: he's busy, i understand. its whatever. dont bother.

@BlakeGray: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

@imtori: what

@BlakeGray: Nothing

@BlakeGray: You know what you should do??

@imtori: die?

@BlakeGray: No 😂

@BlakeGray: You should surprise Mark by coming over here and visiting him

@imtori: hmmm

@imtori: idk

@imtori: what if he doesnt want me to go?

@BlakeGray: He misses you

@BlakeGray: Why wouldnt he want you to come?

@imtori: idk

@imtori: i dont want to bother him

@BlakeGray: 😂😂 come onnnnn

@BlakeGray: If you come

@BlakeGray: Hm

@BlakeGray: Do you like Taco Bell? I'll take you for Taco Bell

@imtori: o

@imtori: can i get anything i want?

@BlakeGray: Anything you want

@imtori: cant turn that down!

@imtori: i'll see if i can make a flight for tomorrow

@imtori: ((((: thanks blake

@BlakeGray: Can't wait to meet you Tori (:


Author's Note:

Filler chapter ((;

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