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Tori's P.O.V.

"I can't believe you actually talked that guy into getting you a room across from mine." I laughed as I sat on the edge of his bed.

"I really like this hallway." Mark said setting his suitcase down near the window.

"All the hallways are the same."

His eyes met mine and he smiled that irresistible smile, "Not this hallway, this hallway contains a room with a beautiful girl."

I smiled up at him as he sat beside me, "That's so cringey," I whispered.

He laughed, "I know, I'm sorry."

I looked behind him and saw the window, "That's a nice view of the city."

He turned around to the window then turned back to me, "Yeah. Don't you have the same view?"

I laughed, "I have an even better view. The view of the hotel trashcan is A-MAZING from my room. Oh, I also have a great view of the hotel pool where old people are always swimming and little 7 years olds go and flex their chicken arms and non-existent six packs."

He laughed and shook his head, "You know," he paused and smiled at me, "We could share this room."

"We could, but this is a one bed room." I looked down at my fingers.

"And your point is.." I looked up at him and shook my head as he laughed.

His phone began to ring from inside his pocket. He gave me a little smile before pulling it out of his pocket, swiping on his phone then putting it up to his ear.



"Dude chill." He laughed.

"I'll be right there, bye!" He said and hung up.

"Want to come with me and pick up a friend?" He said as he slid his phone back into his pocket.

"Sure." I smiled.

"Well, let's go because he's already at the airport." He laughed as he took my hand and dragged me out the door. He ran down the hall and into the elevator.

"So, who's your friend?" I said acting as if him not letting go of my hand was normal.

"Jacob, you should know him."

I laughed, "Is he the kid everyone makes fun of?"

"Yeah. He's actually really cool in person." He smiled. The elevator doors opened and he dragged me out of the hotel and into the busy streets. We hopped into a taxi and made our way to the airport after Mark told the driver.

Once we arrived, he paid the driver and asked if he could wait for us. The driver nodded and Mark jumped out and dragged me into the airport.

May I also add that he held my hand the entire car ride? I mean, I wasn't complaining, who would be? I found it cute.

"MARK!" Someone yelled as Mark looked back and forth. His head stopped and he let go of my hand and ran into the crowd yelling "JACOB!"

Cute hand holding time over.

I looked through all the people, but couldn't find Mark. Oh no. I stood on my tip toes, but still couldn't spot his cute blonde hair.

"Mark!" I shouted as I walked through the crowd. I felt someones fingers interwind with mine and dragging me out of the crowd.

"You okay?" He laughed as he squeezed my hand gently. I smiled up at him and nodded.

He smiled down at me then looked at Jacob, "Jacob, this is Tori. Tori, this is Jacob."

I smiled at Jacob and waved a little, "Hi."

"Hey, I've heard of you." He smiled. Wow, these boys have better smiles then I ever will. Jacob looked down to where me and Mark's hands were connected, "Mark, what about Loren?" He laughed.


"Tori's just a side thing," Mark smirked. 

I rolled my eyes and got my hand out of his grip. He is an actual asshole. Wow.

I walked away from them and out of the airport, not gonna wait for a taxi this time!

I crossed the street and walked around the city for a bit, cooling off. My phone was being blown up, probably by Mark, but I couldn't care less.

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