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Tori's P.O.V.

"Are you okay Tori?" Mark asked walking up to me.

"Yeah, yeah um can you take me back to the hotel?"

"Of course." He smiled.

He grabbed my hand and we made our way through the crowd of people. We walked across the street and made our way into the hotel and went up the elevator.

"Mark?" I said breaking the silence as the elevator lifted us up.


"Thank you.. for standing up for me over there and all."

"I wasn't going to let an asshole have you when I couldn't have you." He smiled as the elevator doors opened.

"I mean," I laughed as we both exited the elevator and walked to my room, "If we went out I would still be dating an asshole."

"So you think about us going out?" He smirked as we stood at my hotel door.

"I didn't say that." I laughed as I took the card key for the room out of my pocket. I opened the door and walked in then turned around and leaned on the door looking at Mark.

"Bye Markus." I smiled as I slowly started to close the door.

"Tori wait," He said stopping the movement of the door, "I- I'm sorry. About everything." I opened the door a bit more and waited for what he had to say.

"Oh, you're gonna hear me out." He laughed and messed with his hair.

"I thought you were just gonna shut the door in my face," he coughed with a chuckle, "ANYWAYS, I'm sorry for treating you so shitty. I just really like you and I keep messing up, I'm sorry. I do want to get to know you and I do want to spend time with you, believe me. So uh," he looked down at the ground and shook his head, "I don't know what else to say, I feel very anxious right now."

"Awwww Mark!" I said as I opened the door and hugged him.

"Finally, the hug I've been waiting for since I got here." He said hugging me back.

We soon pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Wanna go to Taco Bell?" He asked still smiling.

"Yes please." I laughed as I walked back out of my room and shut the door. He grabbed my hand and we went back down the elevator and out of the hotel into the busy streets.



"David Dobrik.." I repeated.

"Liza Koshy's boyfriend.." I said trying to make it clearer.

"Repeating his name and adding more names isn't going to help.." He said mimicking my tone.

"He's a YouTuber. How can you not know them? That's depressing." Since we were still holding hands, I decided to take it upon me and drag him to where Playlist was being held.

"I'm sorry I don't spend my whole life on YouTube." He laughed as he followed behind me.

"Very funny Markus." I said still dragging him through the entrance. We made our way inside and I was soon stopped. I turned around to see Mark being pulled in the other direction by some guy.

"Weston hi!" Mark laughed. I let Mark go which made him tumble towards the boy.

"Who's that?" He asked Mark while looking at me.

Mark smiled at me, "That's Tori."

"Hi." I smiled.

"My names Weston and I'm carrying cotton eyed joe's children."

"Uh, congratulations?" I looked at Mark then looked back at him.

"Thank you lady." He said and turned back to Mark, "Wanna run from this kid?" He said pointing to me.

"No." Mark said and stood beside me.

"Oh. Ohhhhh! Okay. Don't get pregnant Markus." He said then walked away.

"Wow. What is that kid on?" I said and looked up at Mark.

"No one knows and he never says." He looked at me, "So wheres this David brick person? I'm hungry and want to go to Taco Bell already."

"Dobrik." I corrected him and looked around.

"Dumb prick?"

I nudged him and went on Snapchat to see if that would help. It didn't since he hadn't posted.

"Ugh, lets just go." I sighed and made my way back out.

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