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Mark's P.O.V.

"So, you met Tori?" Blake said as he sat next to me. I turned my phone off and gave him my attention, "Yeah, why?"

"Ya'll talk?" He said as he messed with his hair.

"Well, not in a while." I looked down at my phone, "I should send her a text. You know, so she won't unwrap from my finger." I laughed as I thought about the 'wrapped around my finger' phrase.


Me: Imy


I smiled at Blake and turned off my phone.

"That's all you're gonna say?"

"That's all I need to say." I laughed as I sat back and laid my feet on the coffee table in front of us.

He looked me up and down and shook his head as he got up and started walking away.

"What?" I said as I sat up and watched him walk out of the room.

I shrugged and sat back down. She replied to my text in less then a minute. Pft, of course she did!


Tori 😏: i miss you too 💗

Tori 😏: facetime?

Me: I'm busy ); later?

Tori 😏: o

Tori 😏: sure

Me: Sorry baby ):

Tori 😏: its fine (:


I would FaceTime her, I really would, but ya boy got a party to get ready for!

I jumped up from the couch and went to get dressed.


Blake's P.O.V.

I hate him for this. Listen, I don't know who this Tori girl is but no one deserves this. Last night Mark was with Luna, and he's going to a party tonight either with her or some other chick. Mark use to be such a good kid, I don't know what happened to him.

"What happened?" Joey asked before stuffing some chips into his mouth. I sat on a stool in front of him, "He's being an asshole."

"Can I be the one to tell Tori?" Hunter said running into the room and taking a seat beside me.

"No! I want to tell her!" Joey said taking his phone out.

"Guys!" I shouted grabbing Joey's phone out of his hand, "You two are so desperate, damn."

Joey laughed, "So what are we going to do?"

"Nothing. Don't get into someone else's business." I gave him his phone back and smiled.

"She deserves better than him." Hunter said looking at me.

"And you think you're any better, Rowland?" Joey said starting to laugh again.

I smiled, "We should let her find out herself."

They both looked at me and stayed quiet, waiting for me to continue.

"You know, get her to fly over here and see him."

"Dude, that's a good idea." Joey said nodding his head.

"How do we get her to come and see him though?" Hunter asked tapping on the table.

"Blake, she doesn't have anything against you. You can talk to her." Joey said as Hunter hit me on the shoulder.

"And tell her what, exactly?"

"Well," Hunter started, "You can tell her that Mark won't stop talking about her and that she should come and surprise him."

"No, cause then she's gonna hate me for that."

"She won't!" Joey said as he got up and slipped my phone out of my pocket, "Do it," he said handing me my phone. I took it and looked up at him then at Hunter.

"She'll be happy once she finds out." Hunter said looking down at my phone.

I sighed and unlocked my phone. I went to twitter and followed her, then sent her a dm.


@BlakeGray: Hey (:

@BlakeGray: You're Marks little crush, right?


Author's Note:

Sorry about this being kind of boring, I literally had writers block and this is all I could come up with. Oh well! Thank you for reading & don't forget to comment your opinions!

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