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Tori's P.O.V.


"I just came for my bags." I said walking passed Joey and up the stairs to Marks room.

I opened the door and his eyes darted up to me from where he was laying on the bed.

"Tori listen-"

"Save. It." I said as I got my stuff together and continued to stuff it in my suitcase.

"Please, listen I was high I wasn't thinking straight. I'm so so so sorry, baby." He said as he began to wraps his arms around me. I smiled as I started to get a hold of his hand.

"I lov-" I twisted his finger then got a hold of his hand with my other hand and twisted his wrist before he could finish his sentence, "AH WHAT THE FUCK TORI!"

I smiled as he let his grip around my waist go, then continued to pack all my stuff.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm trying to apologize!" He said as he squeezed his injured hand.

"And I told you I didn't want to hear your shitty ass apology." I began to zip up my suitcase, "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a plane to catch." I smiled as i made my way out of his room and down the stairs.

"Tori, let me drive you to the airport." Mark said as he followed me down the stairs.

"No need, I called an Uber." I stood on the sidewalk in front of the house and waited for the Uber to arrive. Gosh, it would have been more dramatic if it was already here and I could just hop in and give Mark the bird as I drove off. I mentally sighed, oh well.


"Can you fuck off already? Why don't you go see Luna? Pretend like you never even met me, seemed pretty easy to do last night." I scoffed.

His eyes darted from the floor to me, "You know what? I think I will. I think I fucking will. You aren't fucking crap, you know that?" He laughed, "Worthless piece of shit." He said before walking back into the house.

I bit my lip as I felt tears start to sting my eyes. Don't cry, Tori. Don't be a little bitch.

A worthless, little bitch..

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