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Tori's P.O.V.

"FIGHT!" Someone yelled in the crowd. One person turned into practically everyone, and the word 'fight' was all you could hear.

"Don't listen to him." I told Mikey as I grabbed his arm. He looked at me then back at Mark and pursed his lips. His hand loosened out of a knuckle, which made me smile.

"Oh, you're gonna listen to her now?" Mark said before laughing, "You like her Mikey? I heard she made out with Joey last night after their little-"

Mikey got his arm out of my grip and punched Mark in his jaw. There was ooh's from the crowd while Mikey stepped back. Mark held his jaw and looked at Mikey with hatred in his eyes.

"You son of a bitch!" Mark said running at him and tackling Mikey to the ground. I was in so much shock on everything that was going on that I just stood there staring at them fighting. Yes, I do this a lot. When I spill tea all over the ground, I tend to just stand there until someone knocks me back to my senses. SIDETRACKED! Anyways, I hate myself.

Mikey pushed Mark and was now on top of Mark throwing punches to his face, causing Mark to have a nose bleed.


I snapped myself out of my frenzy and pulled Mikey off of Mark. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE was recording. This was not going to be good.

I pulled him out of the Taco Bell and started running to my hotel room, dragging him along.

We got to my room and I quickly closed the door and sat him down on my bed.

"Does it hurt?" I said forcing his hair back to see if there was any more damage beside his black eye.

"Does what hurt? Do I have a scratch or something?" He got up and ran to my bathroom.

"Do you want some ice?" I asked walking to the bathroom to see him looking at his self in the mirror and pulling at his skin.

"Would it help it go away?"

"I think so." I said shrugging. I've seen people put a frozen steak on their eye. I don't have a steak, so we can't heal it movie style. Same concept though, right?

"Then yes please."

After running down the hall and getting ice from the ice machine, I walked back into the room to find him laying in my bed watching TV. He looked up at me and smiled, scooting over and patting the spot on the bed next to him.

I smiled back at him and gave him the ice (which was in a bag), then laid beside him.


Mark: We need to talk.

Me: like hell we do lol fuck off

Mark: -.-

Mark: I'm going to your room

Me: dont

Mark: To late bby ((;


There was a knock on the door right after he sent the text. Mikey looked at me and saw the shock on my face and gave me a confused look.

"Ar-" he began to say before I covered his mouth with my hand. I held up a finger to my lips then texted Mark back.


Me: i'm not in my room so ((:


Mikey saw what was on my phone and rolled his eyes, "Don't be afraid of that jerk."

Mikey got up and went to the door, opening it. I wasn't afraid of Mark, I just didn't want Mikey to get hurt because of me.

"Well hello there!" I heard Mikey answer the door.

"Mikey? What the fuck? Where's Tori?" Mark asked sounding a bit concerned.

"What does it matter?" I could here the smirk in Mikey's voice.

"I need to talk to her."

"I don't think she wants to talk to you, so," there was a slight pause, "leave her the fuck alone."

I ran over to the door before another fight began, "Mikey, it's okay."

Mark smiled at me.

"Fine," Mikey said to Mark before looking at me, "I'll see you later, I'm gonna go with Bryce." He grabbed my face with both his hands gently and kissed my forehead.

"Bye." I smiled as I felt my cheeks flush.

I turned my attention to Mark after Mikey started walking down the hall.

"What?" I said bluntly.

"I'm really sorry Tori. About everything."

"Oof, I've heard that before. Like three times now? Four?"

"Listen," he said looking down. He looked back up at me, "Can I come in?"

I sighed and shrug, opening the door wider to welcome him in. He walked in and I closed the door after him and followed him. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at me.

"I'm incredibly sorry. I know I've been acting stupid, and I don't know why. Tori, I really REALLY like you and I want to spend the last day of Playlist with you. Theres a party, but if you don't want to go to that I get it. We'll do whatever you want to do, just please forgive me. Please." He said grabbing my hand and kissing it softly.

I sighed.

I hate myself.

Don't do it Tori.

Don't do it.

"I forgive you," I smiled. He smiled back and stood up, not letting go of my hand.

"So, what do you want to do tomorrow?" He said with a wide smile.

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