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Tori's P.O.V.

"YE YE!" Weston said as he walked in after Mark.

"You should have gone to the party." Mark laughed as he sat on a chair next to a desk, "Tori left early, what a loser." He laughed.

Weston sat on my bed beside me as I rolled my eyes at Mark's remark.

"You okay buddy?" Weston said looking down at me.

"No, I have a headache."

"That's why you should stick to drinking monsters." Weston said as he patted my head. I barely know this kid and he's sitting on my bed, patting me. What?

"Joey told me you and him got pretty heated before you left." Mark said as he looked at me, "Is that true?" He had a serious face, no more laughing.

"Heated? What the hell?" I sat up, "I left minutes after I got there. No, nothing happened." What an asshole.

"Oh, really? Then I punched him for no reason?"

"You punched him?" I said laughing a bit.

"This is grown up stuff, I'm gonna go now." Weston said as he got up, "Feel better Tor!" He said before leaving the room. Tor.

"How about we get heated?" Mark said as he stood up from the chair and started walking towards me with a smirk. Oh god.

"Mark, no." I got up and went into the bathroom.

"Tori! Oh, come on." He said standing outside the door.

"Get out of my room and leave the card key on the desk."

"Whatever." I heard before hearing the hotel door slam shut. I rolled my eyes and got ready for the day.


"MIKEY!" I shouted as I saw him taking a picture with a girl. I walked up to them and smiled.

"Hey Tori." He said as he smiled at me. The girl thanked him and ran away.

"How was the party?"

"I left a few minutes after you went to go..." He looked around, "Uh, talk."

I nodded slowly, "Me too. I didn't talk."

"Really?" He smiled wide, "That's good."

"I guess," I giggled.

"Uh, can I have your number?"

"Sure bud." Bud? Oh god.

He laughed a little and handed me his phone. I put my number in then handed it back to him.

"Thanks." He smiled typing on his phone. He slid it into his pocket then looked up at me, "Wanna do a meet up together?"


"Yeah, why not?"


"MIKEY!" Bryce shouted as he walked up to us. He smiled at Mikey then looked at me, "Oh, hey newbie."

"Newbie?" Mikey asked looking at me then at Bryce.

"Yeah, she doesn't know how to-" he stopped himself "uh, talk." Talk must be everyones code word. Wow.

"Oh. Right." Mikey said nodding, "What's up?"

"Me and the guys are going to film a video, come on." Bryce said combing through his hair with his fingers. I'd like to comb my fingers through Mikey's hair. I mean, what? Nothing. Hm?

"Uh," he looked at me then back at Bryce, "I can't."

"It's fine, we can do it tomorrow. You should go and do the video." I said smiling at him.

"Do it?" Bryce looked from me to Mikey, "MIIIIKEEEEY AYEEEEE!" He started hitting his shoulder and ruffling his hair.

"No you idiot," he pushed Bryce back and combed through his hair, "We were planning on doing a meet and greet together."

"Oh. That sucks." He scoffed, "So you coming?"

"Nah, I'll see you later." Mikey said before looking at me with a smile. I smiled back.

"Whatever." Bryce said before walking away.

"So, where do we do the meet up?" He asked as he started to mess with his hair again.

"I don't know." I laughed.


We ended up just going to Taco Bell then decided to have the meet up there.

"Let's spread the word!" I said as I was taking my phone out of my pocket. I went on Snapchat and took a picture of the Taco Bell logo from one of the tables then captioned it "meet up! it's a few blocks away from playlist 🤗"

i'm having a meet up! it's at the Taco Bell near Playlist. if you don't want to meet me, you can meet mikey! 💗

I slid my phone back in my pocket and smiled up at Mikey who was making a Snapchat.

"And I'm with this beautiful girl, so you should definitely come." He said pointing the camera right at me. I smiled widely and he started to laugh.

Our order was called, so I started to get up from the table, but Mikey quickly stood up, "I'll get it, don't worry." He laughed as he walked towards the counter. I smiled and sat back down.

We ate our food as people started to show up.

"Hi." Mikey said to a group of girls before sipping from his straw. They all started to giggle and point their cameras at him.

More and more people showed up and it was so much fun taking pictures and talking to them all. Well, that was until someone showed up.

I'm sure you can guess who.

"Hey baby." Mark said as he walked up to me and put his arms around my waist.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I whispered as I removed his hands from around me.

"I saw you were having a meet up and I wanted to meet up." He said getting closer to me and looking at my lips. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He was drunk.

"Leave her alone, Mark." Mikey said as he pulled me away from Mark and stood in front of me. Aw, he's so cute.

Mark stood there with a straight face as he stared at Mikey and then started to laugh, "Do you wanna fight?" He slurred. Oh no.

"Don't do this." Mikey said in a low tone that was loud enough for people close by like me and Mark to hear.

"DON'T DO WHAT MIKEY?" Mark shouted as he started to laugh. What the fuck is wrong with him?

"Are you to afraid? Hmmmmm?" Mark said stepping closer to Mikey. Mark flicked at Mikey's chest and started laughing.

"Don't do this." Mikey mumbled as his right hand started to ball up into a fist. This is not good.

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