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Tori's P.O.V.

"Bye! Thank you for coming!" I smiled as the girl walked away after taking a picture.

I looked towards the line to see who was next and wasn't very happy.

I walked away and tapped on one of the security guards to warn them I was taking a break.

"TORI!" He yelled from the line. Why isn't he having his own meet up? What am I suppose to do after the break? I can't just leave. What if he's still there?

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I took it out and saw a message from him. Of course.


Ex 🙄: I want to talk /:

Me: why

Ex 🙄: Please 😩

Me: not in a meet & greet

Ex 🙄: Okay well let me take a quick picture with you then 😉

Ex 🙄: We can talk later

Me: can we just talk later? i dont wanna give mm some tea

Ex 🙄: Its just a picture come on weve taken pictures before 😂


I sighed and made my way back. His eyes met mine and he smiled as he walked towards me.

"You look gorgeous." He said standing right in front of me as he messed with his hair. He laughed, "I won't even need to take my own picture with you." I looked out to the line and saw a crowd with their phones out pointing right at us.

"This isn't funny, Hunter."

"Come on, smile a little." He said starting to grab my face. I got his hand and moved it away from my face, "I think thats enough."

"Sir, your times up." The security guard said standing beside him.

"Do you know who I am?" Hunter said laughing as the security guard started escorting him out.

The next person came up to me and I gave her a smile before getting bombarded with questions.

"Are you two a thing again? Tunter was always so cute. What ever happened? What happened right now? Why did they escort him out? Why did you seem unhappy?"

I licked my lips and looked at the security guard. If there is any good time to go, it would be now.

"Ummmm, I need to get going." I smiled lightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry.. Can I just get a picture?"

I smiled and nodded. After the picture, I waved to the rest and made my way back to my hotel.


Ex 🙄: Why'd you end your m&g?

Me: hmmmmmmmmm iiii doooont knooooow

Me: maybe it was bc someone showed up?

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