"Wake up! Nora!"
"You act as if I could have gotten any sleep last night at all."
I didn't. After ending my call with Jen at one am and saying goodnight to Julie, I found myself laying in bed with my eyes glued to the ceiling I could only see from my phone screen's light.
I danced with Shawn Mendes.
The sentence played in my head over and over, and despite the countless amount of times it went through my mind, I stayed in complete and utter disbelief.
I danced with Shawn Mendes. I flirted with Shawn Mendes.
At around three, I began to think back to that day. Falling asleep and dreaming about this whole thing was completely out of the box. There was no way I could pinch myself and wake up. So, I came to the next conclusion.
I was dead.
Maybe my plane crashed, and I never truly arrived in Spain? I had no experience on what dying is like, but I've been a pretty good person, so I'm sure a prize like this could be rewarded to me.
I finally decided that there would be one (completely unreasonable) way to solve this. I picked up my phone, headed to messages, and tapped Jen's name.
am i dead
This might just be three am logic talking to me, but I finally made the decision that whatever my friend's response said would be the truth.
Her answer came in four words, and I figured I was going to have to find answers elsewhere.
yeah, dead 2 me
Checking my Instagram, I go for my most recent post, ignoring the heap of dms I've recently gotten, all from people I haven't spoken to in years that have seen the video.
I check the comments of the post, and raise an eyebrow to see that there were no comments wishing me a safe trip to heaven.
So I wasn't dead.
But I couldn't have danced with Shawn Mendes either.
I mean, seriously. Let's look at this from my perspective. How? He's Shawn freaking Mendes. I'm-
He's a celebrity, who is probably so rich that he uses Benjamin Franklins as tissues. He tours the world, and meets celebrities like him every day.
The most famous icon I've ever met is the Elmo at Time Square.
So I couldn't have danced with him.
Plus, another factor to add to the equation: how could I have not noticed the camera recording us? It was close enough that you could recognize me, so why didn't I see it?
Okay, but you were a little too focused on the hot stranger you were dancing with. I point this out to myself, and then mentally groan.
I would have to settle this in the morning, after I got some sleep.
I did not, however, get any sleep.
Fast forward to ten in the morning, and Julie is at my bedside, asking me to wake up.
"It's today! Nora, we see your husband today!" She announces excitedly, and I get up from bed and walk to my suitcase, grabbing my outfit for the day.

Travel // Shawn Mendes
Fanfiction"Shawn, not to sink your ship or anything, but you might be the dumbest celebrity I've ever met." "Yeah, I get that a lot." | ex-featured story | // all rights reserved @livemendes sequel to hotel midnight completed on: march 16th, 2019