"And you've tried everything to get the stain out?"
"Yes. The shirt is done."
"You should have been more careful."
"Mom! He was the one that bumped into me. I was going into my purse and he was on his phone. It wasn't my fault."
Even though my parents trusted me to have my trips, they still wanted to speak to me almost every night through FaceTime, and reminded me that they "wouldn't mind a few texts throughout the day" either.
"Yes, but you shouldn't count on a stranger to not bump into you. If you were paying attention, I'm sure your shirt would be fine."
Great, now my mom was blaming me too.
"Right, I'll try harder next time." I say sarcastically, and she gives me a look before continuing the conversation.
"So, is your tía driving you to the airport tomorrow?"
"Yes, but she's not excited about waking up at five am for it."
"Are you all packed up yet?" She asks, and I look over the phone to my side of the room.
I hadn't even started to pack, but my mom didn't need to know that. Plus, if I told her the truth, it would kind of ruin the whole "responsible daughter" thing I've got going on so far. Still, telling her I was completely done would be a stretch, and my mother knows me well enough to know that I wouldn't be.
"Not completely yet, but I'm working on it before I go to bed."
"Good. You know where your boarding pass is? Your passport?"
"And is the international plan for your phone working?"
"Yes, Mom. It's all good."
"Then hand the phone to your aunt, I haven't spoke to her in forever."
"You spoke to her yesterday." I point out, in a joking manner.
"Nora." She says my name as a warning, and I get off of my bed, walking towards Aunt Carmelita's room and hoping she wasn't asleep just yet.
"Your sister wants to talk with you." I say after seeing her awake, her reading glasses on and her eyes scanning a book.
After handing her my phone I'm back in my room, staring at the mess I was going to need to pack. Now phoneless, I turn my laptop on, watching it light up before typing in my password and Skyping Jen. It was around three pm back at home, so she would most likely answer, and that way I could have somebody to talk to while packing, since Julie was at some party I didn't care to go to.
"Jen! How's London?" I smile, waving at the screen. We hadn't spoken in four days, but it felt like at least a year, since I had so much to tell her.
"Have you seen my latest video?" She questions, her eyes narrowing accusingly, as if she already knew the answer.
"No, but do I have some juicy- Oh, okay then." I stop when the Skype call ends, and Jen types a message.
I need views sis. also plz watch it asap bc I'm pretty sure u have a story to tell and I need to hear it!! i love u!

Travel // Shawn Mendes
Fanfiction"Shawn, not to sink your ship or anything, but you might be the dumbest celebrity I've ever met." "Yeah, I get that a lot." | ex-featured story | // all rights reserved @livemendes sequel to hotel midnight completed on: march 16th, 2019