how are you?
good, u?
oh? where are you?
I asked this question partially out of curiosity, and partially because I wanted to know if it was night time when he was out with Lolah.
Italy. It's only nine here, but im exhausted
:( long day?
Okay, so he wasn't going on a night time date with Lolah. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a lunch date.
yeah. can you talk?
we are talking
FaceTime, Nora
Oh. Quickly, I sprint to the mirror, gaining a look from Jen as I do, and I look at my appearance before stopping myself. It did not matter what I looked like. I needed to stop caring so much.
I grab my earbuds, plugging them in and seating myself comfortably on my bed. As I call him, Jen unblinkingly continues to give me the look, and I give her one of my own before the call picks up.
Shawn was laying on his side, his hair messy and a small smile on his face. I couldn't see much of his surroundings, but I knew he was in his hotel room.
"Hey," he says, and my smile grows at the sound of his voice.
We're both silent for a bit, just staring at each other, until I knock myself out of it and speak again.
"So, any reason you wanted to call?" I ask, trying to start conversation.
"I just wanted to see your face again."
I froze for only half a second, but it was clearly long enough for Shawn to realize what he said.
"Sorry, that was- sorry." His accent kicked in as he apologized, and he looked more awake with the red rushing to his cheeks.
I laughed. "No, it's fine. I kind-of sort-of missed your face too."
Jen gets up from her slouched position on her bed to gawk at me with a jaw-dropped expression, mouthing only one word.
I nod my head briefly so that Shawn doesn't notice, and thankfully he doesn't.
"So, where are you?"
"Ireland, though we're here for only a few more days before we go back to America," I inform him.
I flip the camera so that Shawn can see. "Oh, I'm with my friend, Jen now."
Jen waves, and Shawn's eyebrows scrunch.
"Is that Jen Everett?"
"Are you a fan?" I question, flipping the camera back, and he laughs.
"I've seen a few of her videos. You're traveling with her?"
"Well, she's touring, and I'm tagging along. Traveling by yourself could get boring."
"What about in Spain and France?" He asks.
"I was with my aunt and cousins in Spain, and stayed with a friend in Paris."
"Yeah. Anyways, how's Italy?"

Travel // Shawn Mendes
Fanfiction"Shawn, not to sink your ship or anything, but you might be the dumbest celebrity I've ever met." "Yeah, I get that a lot." | ex-featured story | // all rights reserved @livemendes sequel to hotel midnight completed on: march 16th, 2019