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"So you're just traveling around the world."


"Without your parents?"

"Aren't you doing the same thing?" I question him.

To my absolute amazement, I was having a conversation with Shawn Mendes. After we both went over the fact that him pretending not to remember me was not too smooth, and that him just telling me that he had thought about me at least once a day since we danced, but never thought he would see me again would have probably made me pass out, we began to discuss other subjects, like why exactly I was in Spain.

"But I'm eighteen. Legal and don't need my parents with me." He says, and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'm seventeen, and I've already graduated. Don't need my parents with me either. And didn't you start touring when you were sixteen or something? You can't tell me your mom and dad were by your side all day every day."

"Well, no, but-"

"Then case closed. Moving on though, why are you at a cafe at... twelve fifty-six am?" I ask, checking the time. I had told Julie I would be in the cafe trying to relax, I didn't want anyone to join me, and that she should text me when we're leaving or if anything happens.

"I should ask you the same question." Shawn said, and I laugh.

"Yeah, there's no way you'll ever get an answer to that one." I reply, and he looks at me, amused, as I take one of the last pieces of my muffin and plop it into my mouth.

I notice Shawn eyeing the muffin and I laugh, sliding it halfway across the table.

"You're welcome to try some. You paid for it."

"No, I'm good."

He continues to stare at me, and I return the stare blankly.


"Nothing. You just look really familiar." Is all he says, clearly holding something back, and I smile.

To be honest, he had a familiar face as well. It was one of the things that caused me to become a fan of his, and whenever I watched his interviews I felt as if I had spoken to the guy on the screen.

"Maybe the girl you danced with?" I ask jokingly, and he shakes his head.

"No, more like this girl I spilled coffee on."

"You did that?" I question him, shocked, and he raises his hands in defense.

"I didn't even see her! And I payed her back too!" Shawn defends himself.

"No way, you got her the same shirt because you found out it was her favorite?"

"It's your favorite shirt?" Shawn asks, guilt evident in his voice.

"Was. Somehow I liked it better without the coffee stain."

"On the bright side, it's not see-through anymore." Shawn mentions, and I laugh, a wave of heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Right, I like it much better with the stain. Anyways, what happened next?"

"Well, I got her food because she demanded it."


"Yeah! I told her it was all her fault and she made me but her water and a muffin."

Finishing off my muffin, I say, "Her fault? How?"

"Y'know, I was joking, trying to get her to smile, but instead she looked like she wanted to kill me."

"Mhm, I can imagine. If I was her I would want to end your life."

Travel // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now