"Oh, so you guys know each other?" Shawn looks entertained, as if he was ready to hear the best story that could have possibly happened between Aidan and I.
Before I can answer, Aidan stretches his well-built arm, responding to Shawn.
"Yeah, we met at the airport." He informs him, and like that, Shawn's face drops, looking at both of us in accusation.
"He's-" Shawn starts his sentence, but doesn't finish it as my face heats, and I look anywhere but either of their eyes, before biting my lip and responding.
"Uh, yeah."
"I'm what?" Aidan asks, his eyebrows scrunched as he makes eye contact with Shawn, waiting for some sort of explanation.
"N-nothing." I say quickly, and feel my face flush even more due to my stutter.
"Nora was carrying something, and she made fun of me for not helping her, so I asked her when the last time someone helped her was, and she said it was a guy at the airport." Shawn spins the lie so smoothly that even I believe him for a moment, before pausing.
Looking over at Shawn, he gave me a half smile, and I wondered why he covered for me. I would have to tell him once Aidan was out of sight that his lie wasn't all too untruthful, since Aidan did pick up my suitcase.
"You didn't help her? Jeesh, Shawn, that doesn't seem like something you would do." The blonde boy in front of me said, and before anyone digs any further into the story, I speak up, walking closer to him.
"Anyways, it's nice to see you again."
"Really. I was beginning to miss you a bit." He replies with a smirk, and I raise an eyebrow.
No wonder. Aidan clearly had the looks, with his sandy hair that seemed to be in an effortless, rolled-out-of-bed hairstyle, a handsome smile, and he was built. I had no doubt that the boy standing across from me was a total and complete fuckboy, and has probably been one since elementary school.
Like that, my attraction to him had vanished, sliding out of the ajar window and down one of France's gutters, probably laying to rest in the quiet catacombs.
"Right. Well, I'm only here because Doctor Shawn brought me, although I'm wondering how long I have to wait." Although it was a conversation with Aidan, I look at Shawn as I say it, and watch as he blinks before looking back at me, his mouth shaping an 'o'.
"Shit, sorry. Come on." He walks over to me and lays a hand on my back before taking me through another door. I look at the large bathroom, and hope that the shock doesn't show on my face. Seriously, if being a famous singer gives you this kind of luxury, I'll be performing at Madison Square Garden this fall.
Pulling open a drawer, Shawn brings out a small blue box, with 'BAND-AID' written at the top in a bold and vibrant red color. As he opens it, I sit down on the long counter, then reaching for the paper towels that were near-by, folding one and putting it underneath the sink faucet. I watch as it drenches in cool water, before turning it it off and ringing it out a bit, then beginning to clear my leg from the blood that had begun to dry, thankful that my knee was no longer bleeding.
"Just a wild question, if you don't mind me asking." I say, and as Shawn pulls a large Band-Aid out, he looks at me expectantly.
"Why exactly are you helping me? I mean, I get the whole good Samaritan thing you've got going on, but you could have just let me leave once that guy left."
Shawn stays silent for a moment as I clear the last of the blood on my leg, then grabbing another paper towel to dry myself.
"Well, it could have happened again. I'm sure Paris is filled with terrifying kidnappers at night time. And imagine this. If you saw Beyonce all the way in a coffee shop in Spain, then again in Paris, injured, wouldn't you want to help her?"
"Aw, you think I'm as cool as Beyonce?" I ask, going back to our conversation in that Barcelona cafe, and I wait for Shawn to repeat what I said. Inside, he gives me a smile that makes my insides warm, before responding.
I give him a look, biting my cheek to keep myself from smiling widely. Then, I pull the bandage from his hand, opening it and placing it onto my knee. Shawn notices my attempt to keep my grin away, which only makes him smile again, laughing softly.
I look around the bathroom before noticing the trash can I was looking for, and I smash the wrapper of the Band-Aid, then throwing it across the room and making the basket. Me, being lazy as ever, usually always tossed things into the trash inside of getting up and putting it inside, so me making the shot wasn't too surprising. Shawn, however, stared with an awed look on his face, and I pushed myself off of the counter, standing straight and reaching for the door.
"Autographs are at eight if you want one." I tell him, and as I walk out, I hear Shawn laugh, the sound of his footsteps next.
"Yeah, I'm in the elevator now. Chill, I'll be there." Aidan's voice gets louder as I walk closer to where he was currently sitting on the one bed in Shawn's hotel room, and I give him a questioning look, receiving an annoyed eye roll in response.
As Shawn walks by my side, I give the same look to him, now interested on who was on the other side of the phone call. Shawn just shrugs, evidently as clueless as I am.
"Bye." Aidan ends the call, then letting out a deep sigh prior to pushing himself off the bed, then looking at both of us.
"Lolah. She thinks I'm out with some girl and is pissed."
"Are you usually out with some girl?" I question him, wanting to make sure he was just as much of a player as I guessed.
"Oh, no. I mean, I'm technically with you, but you're not just some girl."
"Smooth." I tell him, so that he understood that I knew everything he was doing.
Back at New York, whenever I hung out with Xaviar, his friends would tag along, who were just as hot as my friend. Tragically, they were all fuckboys with a capital F. The plus side of that though, was that I knew practically all of their moves, and Aidan was being very level one with his.
Aidan looks at me, intrigued, before walking to the door.
"Well, unless I want Lolah to chop off my head, I should go. Bye Shawn, and it was nice seeing you again Nora."
"Lolah?" I ask.
"Yeah, Lolah Galinter? Also known as the reincarnation of Medusa, but I only get to say that because it's part of the job of being her much cooler twin."
Obviously, my research on Shawn's opening act was limited, if I didn't know that her twin brother was standing before me. I wouldn't have guessed it either, since Lolah had vivid orange hair, and Aidan was blonde.
"Anyways, bye Nora. Hope I see you again." He says, and I give him a wave goodbye before he shuts the door behind him, and I look at Shawn, who was already staring at me.
He gives me a small smile, and I stare into his eyes, that were a much lighter brown than I had thought, until I notice how close we were, and step back a bit as Shawn smirks, then speaking.
"And then there were two."
okay so with the whole #jakepaulisoverparty, i went on my twitter (livemendesx) and tweeted this appreciation tweet about gibby (from icarly) and it bLEW UP. LIKE 29k+ FAVS I WAS SHOOK
also wtf is shawn doing @ lollapalooza can u say crackbaby?

Travel // Shawn Mendes
Fanfiction"Shawn, not to sink your ship or anything, but you might be the dumbest celebrity I've ever met." "Yeah, I get that a lot." | ex-featured story | // all rights reserved @livemendes sequel to hotel midnight completed on: march 16th, 2019