"USA bitches!"
We were finally home. I mean, not technically home, since we were standing in Times Square instead of our family's living rooms. But the overseas part of our trip was over, so now all we had to do was check off some states here.
"Alright, Starbucks anyone? I can't function this whole day if I don't have caffeine in me," Jen speaks, and I look at the Starbucks ten feet away from us and agree.
When we get there, the line is almost out the door, and I debate just going to another Starbucks (since there were so many here) before Jen yanks me inside.
"I think Caleb and I are officially a thing," she whispers to me, as if we were back in middle school.
"Is it official official?" I question.
"Well, sort of. He didn't ask me, but when we were partying the last night in Ireland, some guy was talking to me and he told him to stay away from his girl!"
Caleb was currently having a conversation on the phone away from the line, and while he wasn't listening to us, I was zeroing in on his words.
"Yeah, can't wait to see you," he told the other person on the phone, and the detective in the back of my head started suspecting.
Calm down, Nora. He's only cheating if he doesn't say anything about the phone call until Jen asks.
Plus, the name on the screen from when he first answered was 'Dylan', so there was a chance that it was just a guy. But also a chance that it's a girl.
I'm really not one to snoop into a person's business, but when a guy has this much of a hold on my best friend, I've got to healthily investigate a little.
As the line gets shorter and we move up, Caleb joins us again, a smile on his face.
"Guess what? Remember Dylan? Turns out he's still in New York! We're planning on going to a party tonight, you in?" He asks, directly speaking to Jen, and I breathe in.
Here's the deal. I didn't hate Caleb. I didn't even dislike him. But I guess you could call it jealously that he was spending every night with my best friend while I sat in my hotel room alone instead of third wheeling. Granted, Facetiming Shawn a lot of those nights didn't really count as alone, but still.
Jen smiled, ready to take his offer, before talking a sideways glance at me and shaking her head. "Sorry, babe. I think I owe Nora at least one girls night by now."
He frowns, as if the thought of being separated from Jen was too much to bear, and before I can gag it's our turn to order.
"Good morning and welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you?" The preppy girl asks, a larger than life smiler on her face.
"Hi, can I get a tall vanilla bean frap?" I order, giving my name only a moment after and then stepping out of line to wait for my drink.
Jen joins me once she orders, and Caleb follows soon after. While we wait, Jen and Caleb begin a discussion, and instead of trying to listen in I look down at my phone, checking my most recent snaps.
My phone buzzes, and I look at the top of the screen to see a text from Shawn that makes me smile.
Good morning :)
Good afternoon? I think?
He doesn't respond for a moment, and during that moment a girl gasps loudly, and I look up to see her staring at Jen.

Travel // Shawn Mendes
Fanfiction"Shawn, not to sink your ship or anything, but you might be the dumbest celebrity I've ever met." "Yeah, I get that a lot." | ex-featured story | // all rights reserved @livemendes sequel to hotel midnight completed on: march 16th, 2019