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Anxiety was very confused when Roman had so suddenly zoned out, staring at something over his shoulder. He frowned, turning to see what had caught his attention, surprised to find a building in the distance. The two sat in a stunned quiet for a minute, wondering why that would possibly be out here.

Anxiety finally broke the silence with a question. "Should we... Trust that?" He glanced over at Roman with a frown, the royal had a frown of his own and took a few steps closer.

"If I had to guess, it probably has our final challenge inside." He said at last, turning back to Anxiety, their previous argument forgotten. "We should probably get walking, if we want to be out of here soon. Coming?"

Anxiety stayed in place for a moment, still surprised at what they had found, and wondering how they could have missed it before. Once he came back to reality he gave a nod, jogging over to Roman as he began walking again.

"What kind of challenge would we have to be inside for?" Anxiety questioned. Roman shrugged.

"No idea, but there's no point in guessing. We're about to know for sure." He said, and the two stayed silent the rest of the way there.

It took them a while to finally make it up to the building. It seemed even bigger, now that they were closer to it. They found the entrance, Roman, of course, holding the door open for Anxiety to step inside first as he glared at him. Roman just shrugged and grinned, and Anxiety rolled his eyes as he stepped inside.

The doors slammed shut behind the pair, and it was dark in the building, even darker than the forest usually was, they couldn't see anything. They stumbled blindly forward at first, hoping nothing dangerous was nearby. Anxiety, still being ahead of Roman, tripped over something, yelping loudly.

"Anxiety! Are you alright?" Roman waved his arms about wildly, trying to find him. As Anxiety stood up again, Roman accidentally slapped him.

"Ow," he groaned, glaring in the direction he assumed Roman was in. "Be careful! I'm fine."

"Sorry." Roman frowned.

"Anyways, watch your step. I tripped on something..." Anxiety continued forward, Roman following behind, careful not to trip as Anxiety had. The two of them paused as they heard movement behind them, turning to face whoever, or whatever, it was. However as soon as they looked that way, they were blinded by a bright light. Anxiety hid his face, while Roman did his best to see what was behind the light. When he found it impossible to do that, he instead decided to see what was around him.

It was a stage. They were in a theater, and the light coming from in front of them was where the audience should be. Roman wondered if there was anyone in the audience, and who might want to watch whatever it was that was going to happen here.

Anxiety was finally getting used to the light, and uncovered his eyes, now able to squint over at Roman.

"What are we supposed to do?" He asked, and Roman shrugged. He was about to say something when a loud voice startled them, making both of them jump.

"The rules of this challenge are simple." The voice boomed. They both looked at each other, confused. None of the other challenges had had rules, and they certainly hadn't met another person out here. What was this? "You are going to choose something to perform. Make a single mistake, and the consequence is death. Make it through the entire performance correctly, and you get to go home. If one of you makes a mistake and is killed, the other will automatically go home."

Anxiety looked terrified, and Roman was sure he didn't look much better. Still, he forced his fears back, resting a hand on Anxiety's shoulder reassuringly. "We'll be okay. We can make it out of here." He told him, but it felt more as though he was talking to himself. He knew he couldn't be positive of that.

One thing they were sure of, this was going to be a very terrifying and interesting challenge.

Well this was almost late. I forgot it was Monday and-yeah I haven't written the last two chapters yet. Should probably go work on those lol, whoops.

Is it what you were expecting? Is it cool? I think it's cool. Idk.

Thanks for reading. I'm going to go finally stop putting this off and just-finish the freaking book. I hope that you enjoyed this. Bye!-Bob

Forest of Fears [Thomas Sanders fanfiction(Prince x Anxiety)]Where stories live. Discover now