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Jaebum had been looking for an hour now. He was going to give up, but then he saw something. He drove by a small park and saw a boy with a pink sweater sitting on a swing. Jaebum quickly parked his car and ran over to the boy.

It was Youngjae.

"Youngjae!" Jaebum yelled. Youngjae looked up. His eyes were red and puffy from crying too much.

"Jae-Jae-Jaebum?" Youngjae questioned, his voice shaky from crying. Jaebum quickly grabbed Youngjae in for a hug. Youngjae just cried more, holding tightly onto the back of Jaebum's shirt.

"It's okay baby, you're okay," Jaebum said, trying to calm the boy down.

"B-B-But I-I was bad," Youngjae sobbed. Jaebum just held him tighter.

"No, no. It's okay," Jaebum reassured. "Daddy's not mad."

Youngjae's crying slowed down, followed by many sniffles. Jaebum backed away, looking into Youngjae's eyes, still holding onto his shoulders.

"Come on, I'll take you home," Jaebum said about to walk to his car, but Youngjae grabbed his wrist.

"I want to go home with you," Youngjae said with a sniffle. Jaebum smiled a bit. He quickly picked up Youngjae bridal style and looked into his eyes.

"Of course you're coming home with me, I can't leave you alone anymore," Jaebum said and kissed Youngjae softly on the lips. "I'll protect you."


Jaebum carried Youngjae inside. he had fallen asleep from crying too much. Jaebum laid him down on his bed and went out to the kitchen to get some juice. Suddenly, Jackson came out of his room shirtless and sliking his hair back. He grabbed a water from the fridge and started to drink it.

"How's it going?" he asked. Jaebum sighed.

"I messed up," Jaebum told Jackson. "I wasn't suppose to become so attached to him."

"Well that's your fault," Jackson said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Not helping," Jaebum said glaring at Jackson.


"Is Bambam stil here?" Youngjae asked.

"No, he went home, he wanted to see if Yugyeom was really gone."

Jaebum and Jackson stood there in the kitchen for a little while in silence.

"Did you tell him?" Jackson asked. Jaebum looked over at Jackson.

"No," Jaebum answered. "I don't know how."

"You have to tell him soon."

"I know, I just," Jaebum stopped. "I don't want to leave him."

"I know it's hard Jaebum, but you only have one week until you have to leave."

"Then I guess I'll make this the best week for him," Jaebum said .


Youngjae woke up suddenly. He realized he was in another room, that wasn't his own. He heard voices in the kitchen.

"....I don't want to leave him." Youngjae heard.

"Jaebum?" Youngjae questioned and listened more closely.

"I know it's hard Jaebum, but you only have one week until you have to leave," he heard Jackson say.

Youngjae couldn't listen anymore. He shut his eyes tightly and tried to ignore what he just heard.

'Was Jaebum leaving me? Did he not care about me? Was he just using me? No, that's impossible. Is it?' Youngjae thought.

Suddenly he heard some one come into the room. He pretended to be sleeping. He heard Jaebum sigh and climb into bed with him wrapping his arms around Youngjae's waist. He felt Jaebum get close to his ear.

"Are you awake sunshine?" Jaebum whispered.

"Yeah," Youngjae answered softly. He heard Jaebum chuckle under his breath.

"Well let's just take a nap," Jaebum said burring his face into Youngjae.

"But Jaebum," Youngjae said softly. Jaebum picked up his head.

"Yes baby boy?"

"Are you leaving me?"

Jaebum sat up quickly with wide eyes, looking at Youngjae. Youngjae looked at Jaebum's concerned face. He sat up too. It looked like Jaebum was going to have a heart attack.

"W-W-Why would you think I was-" Jaebum started, but Youngjae cut him off.

"I heard you talking to Jackson, you're leaving in a week aren't you?"

"I'm sorry," Jaebum said sadly. Youngjae suddenly kissed Jaebum, causing him to be in shock.

"Just give me the best week ever, and I won't be mad," Youngjae said simply after letting go of the kiss. Jaebum smiled and slicked back Youngjae's hair.

"Okay princess, that's what I'll do."


Youngjae woke up an hour later. He looked to see Jaebum still fast asleep. He couldn't help but feel sad when he realized he wouldn't have much longer with Jaebum. Youngjae decided to poke Jaebum's face.

Jaebum slowly opened his eyes to see Youngjae staring at him. He smiled at the cute boy.

"Hi," Jaebum said with a raspy voice.

"Hi," Youngjae said with no expression. Jaebum could sense Youngjae was upset.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm going to miss you," Youngjae answered. Jaebum sighed.

"I know, but don't think about it right now," Jaebum said rustling Youngjae's hair.

"Okay," Youngjae said. He then leaned into Jaebum and started to kiss him. They were in their own world, just embrassing each other.

Youngjae and Jaebum both forgot about everything. They only thought of each other.

Youngjae positioned himself on top of Jaebum, still connecting their lips. Youngjae moved his hand back to Jaebum's already hard dick.

Jaebum moaned slightly through the kiss when he felt Youngjae's hand. Youngjae started to rub Jaebum through his pants. He wanted to make the most of this week, so he would.

He stopped rubbing Jaebum and let go of the kiss. He sat up and took his shirt off and started grind against Jaebum.

"Fuck, why are you doing this?" Jaebum moaned while holding onto Youngjae's waist.

"Cause I want to play," Youngjae said with a smile, and increased his speed.

He couldn't let Jaebum leave. He was going to make sure, he'd stay.

I Know You Want Me: 2jae ✔Where stories live. Discover now