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"Hi, Jaebum is this a friend of yours?" 

"Uh yeah, this is Youngjae," Jaebum said to the man who was in charge of the company.

"Nice to meet you Youngjae," the man said. "I'm Kim Minjun, I kind of run things around here."

Youngjae smiled at Minjun.

"Nice to meet you too," Youngjae responded. 

"Well, Jaebum basically your job isn't too hard, just work on making music. You have full access to the studio and you'll get to work with our top artist," Minjun explained.

"That's it?" Jaebum asked, not believing how easy his job would be.

"Yup, and you'll get your first paycheck next week, or I can give you a check right now for that song you were playing in the lobby."

"Oh actually," Jaebum said reaching into his pocket, pulling out a disc and a piece of folded paper. "I have a demo of the song right here, and I wrote down the notes."

"Perfect, let me write you a check," Minjun said, taking out a check book from his desk. He filled out the check and handed it to Jaebum.

Jaebum's eyes widened when he saw the check.

"1,500 dollars?!" Jaebum questioned. 

"Oh is that not enough?" Minjun asked.

"No, no, it's just I didn't know songs could cost so much," Jaebum told him.

"Oh well it's art and art is worth a lot," Minjun said, then he pressed a button on his intercom. "Nayeon, can you show Jaebum to his new office."

"Of course sir," Nayeon said over the intercom.

"Nayeon will take you to your office and I'll see you later," Minjun said with a smile.

Nayeon was now standing in the door way of the office. Jaebum and Youngjae stood up, bowed to Minjun and followed Nayeon.

Nayeon took them to a decent sized office that had a desk, sofa, and an amazing view.

"So this is your office, just make your self at home and you can leave when ever your ready, I'll see you tomorrow on your official first day," Nayeon said and left Jaebum with Youngjae.

Youngjae rushed to the large window that looked down on the city.

"Wow, we are so high up," Youngjae said. "It's a little scary."

Jaebum smiled and back hugged Youngjae.

"It's okay you won't fall," Jaebum said kissing Youngjae's neck softly.

Youngjae smiled and looked at Jaebum.

"I know cause you won't let me fall," Youngjae said. He knew he would always be safe with Jaebum around.

Jaebum gave Youngjae a quick peck on the lips.

"Of course, I'll never let you fall," Jaebum told me.


"YOU GOT THE JOB?!" Jackson practically yelled.

"Yes Jesus Christ Jackson, I'm driving," Jaebum scolded. Jackson was sitting in the front seat next to Jaebum while Bambam was sitting with Youngjae.

"Sorry, but you got the job?! At Y.B Entertainment?!" Jackson exclaimed.

"Yes, I got it," Jaebum said a smile on his face.

"Damn, have you met any celebrities yet?" Jackson asked, wanting to know more about Jaebum's job.

"No, but I'll probably work with some soon," Jaebum said.

I Know You Want Me: 2jae ✔Where stories live. Discover now