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"Are you okay?" Jackson asked Bambam who looked like he might throw up. 

"Yeah, why?" Bambam asked. His voice was shaky, his body was shaky, everything was shaky.

"Cause you look like you might pass out," Jackson said looking concerned.

"I'm just nervous, I haven't actually broken up with any one before," Bambam said. "Well not officially."

"Well try with me," Jackson said adjusting himself in the seat of his car to better face Bambam.

"Okay," Bambam said still in a shaky voice. 

"Just pretend I'm Yugyeom," Jackson said, trying his best to help Bambam with his dilemma. 

"Okay, um, Yugyeom, I'm so sorry that I hurt you and I guess you could say I cheated on you but, why do you think I'm always kissing Youngjae and flirting with other people, it was because my feelings for you had faded, and I was trying to find who they went to. So please, you have to let me go, I can't keep coming back to you every time you yell at me and then say sorry. It's tiring. So, I hope you can understand that my feelings for you have changed and I don't see you as a lover, but more of an acquaintance," Bambam said.

Jackson was just in shock.


"Was that good?" Bambam questioned. 

"That. Was. Perfect!" Jackson uttered. "If you say it just like that, I'm sure he'll be able to let you go."

"Okay," Bambam said, still a little nervous. 

"You ready?" Jackson asked.

"I guess so."


"Daddy, why do you have newspapers?" Youngjae asked as he ate his pancakes.

"Can't I read my news on paper for once," Jaebum said with a little smile.

"Oh my god, I'm in love with an old man, my heart is crushed," Youngjae teased. 

"Hey, that's not funny," Jaebum scolded.

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"Do you want your ass beat."


"Than keep your mouth shut," Jaebum said and went back to looking in his newspaper. 

The real reason why he was looking in the news paper was because he needed a job. He knew his mom would cut him off from money, so he needed to find away to make money and support Youngjae. He didn't want Youngjae to know because he didn't want Youngjae to have to worry about it. 

When Youngjae finished his pancakes, he went into his room to color Jaebum another picture. He liked to color Jaebum pictures because Jaebum would always tell him, how much he liked them. 

Jaebum continued to look for jobs. He decided to try for all of them and see what happens. 

Youngjae started to color a pretty princess. He made the dress pink and blue. He colored the hair black, like his own.He finished the picture and wrote:

To: Daddy

From: Youngjae-ah 

In his favorite blue crayon. He smiled happily at his work and ran to show Jaebum. 

"Daddy! Daddy!" Youngjae yelled. 

Jaebum was still looking at his newspaper.

"Daddy! Daddy! Looks it!" Youngjae cried, holding his coloring page up. 

Jaebum looked up from the newspaper and glanced at Youngjae's picture.

"Oh, yeah that's nice baby, go put it on the fridge for me," Jaebum said simply as he went back to looking for work. 

Youngjae looked at Jaebum with confusion. 

'Why didn't he tell me it was super good? He didn't even sound interested,' Youngjae thought. 

He dragged his feet to the fridge and noticed the trash can next to it. With out hesitation, he crumbled up his picture and threw it in the trash, then he ran to his room and shut the door. 

Jaebum didn't even notice.

Youngjae laid on the floor, his face covered by his arms. He was muffling the sobbing he was making. He was crying hard and his head began to hurt.

'Does Jaebum not like me anymore? Is that why he wasn't paying attention to me? Maybe I annoy him. He did sound pretty annoyed when I showed him my picture,' Youngjae thought as tears flowed from his eyes, and his nose became runny. 


Jaebum shook his head as he bounced back to earth. He sighed and folded the newspaper in half and set it down on the table. He noticed Youngjae was gone.

'Where's Youngjae?' Jaebum thought. 

He turned around and went to the fridge to get something to drink, but he noticed something in the trash. A small crumpled up piece of paper. He took it out and opened it up. It was Youngjae's picture that he colored. 

Jaebum looked at it with confusion.

"Why is this in the trash?" Jaebum said to himself. Then he remembered how he responded to Youngjae showing it to him. 

He quickly rushed to Youngjae's room where the door was closed. He opened it up and say Youngjae on the floor sobbing. 

Jaebum sat down next to Youngjae and rubbed his back. 

Youngjae's head popped up when he suddenly felt something touch him. Jaebum could see how badly Youngjae was crying. 

His eyes were red and puffy, his nose was running, he was hiccuping and trying to catch his breath. Youngjae sat up and fell into Jaebum's arms.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to ignore you," Jaebum said as he held onto Youngjae tightly. 

"Why?" Youngjae sobbed. "Why did you?'

"Because," Jaebum started and paused. Maybe it was better to just tell him than to keep it from him. "Because, my family cut me off, so now I'm not getting any money and I'm just trying to find a job so we can be happy together, but it's just got me stressed out an-"

Jaebum was interrupted by a sudden kiss by Youngjae. A tear fell down his cheek.

"It's okay," Youngjae said. "We'll be fine. You'll find away. There is always away."

Jaebum gave Youngjae a smile and patted his head. 

"Thank you baby," Jaebum said. "I needed that."

"Your welcome daddy," Youngjae said. He wiped away a tear that fell down Jaebum's face. "Don't cry okay, everything will be okay in the end."

"You're right baby, everything will be okay in the end," Jaebum said and pulled Youngjae in for another hug. 

I Know You Want Me: 2jae ✔Where stories live. Discover now