Before All U Read

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Hola People's!!! How r u all ??

Yeah I know after so long... Thinking where I got lost or where I have been...
Don't worry I m still alive in one piece 😝😝😝😝 and came back to make u entertain or bore it's up to u...

The reality is that May and June are mostly of exams time so I was studying and writing my exams. And they end up a week before.


I m back wid season 2 of His + Her = Their.. my fav FF.

Okay there are few things I want tell u all.

* This time no ignoring of my mistakes. As I don't wanna do edits in future. So if u find mistake or error please tell me immediately.

* This story is fictional so there will be few things where u get annoyed with me coz of perception but seriously friends it's totally fictional so don't relate with the reality.


Now come to the story. Hope u remember their story if not then I  summarized here:-

It was a story of an Air Force officer and a hotelier. How they met, got to know more about each other and lastly fall in love.

And now go read the summary of their sequel. 😇😇😇 I will not make u all wait.

His + Her = Their "S2"Where stories live. Discover now