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Sanyukta: I think we should kiss.

My thoughts halted and I snapped my head in her direction. My eyes popped up and I stop moving more on the floor. I blink my eyes and looked at her with confused state. But she is already watching me with her dark twinkling eyes and coy smile on her lips. I realised she is kidding with me. I composed myself and ask in a whispered voice.

I: what did you say?

And she replied casually.

Sanyukta: I asked for kiss...

I can't believe my ears. she again said the same thing with casual tone. M I hearing her right? She is asking me for a kiss and in front of lots of people and Aunty and Parth too. She knows that I don't like PDA's and still she is asking for kiss.. I look around had anybody else heard us what we are talking. Everyone is busy in dancing.    


Stephen: Can I kiss you ?

A sweet smile come on my lips on his demand. How I can I deny him. He is just a sweet heart. When no one is with me he was there. I nodded my head with smiled face and he too smile and  start taking steps in my direction. His blue eyes twinkled and he lean near to my face and I immediately closed my eyes and his lips come in contact..


Randhir: I think u should leave your job now.

I got rooted on my place. It feel like someone pull the ground from my feet. He asked me to leave my job... My dream job for which I m so much passionate and he also knows that and still asking to leave my passion..

I gather all my courage and in a very low and shaky voice I asked him.

I: randhir u r not serious na ??

He give me look of I m very serious about this. He stepped​ near to me to hold but I step back. No never in my dream I will leave my passion.

Now u all got know where this story will go but it will change according to your responses and as u like..

To Be continued.....

Thank You for the read. 

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