E 10

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It feels like my world crashed under my feet. Had I heard it right Sanyukta and Ranveer going to dance. But she said it was me who will be dancing tonight. I looked at her side and her face also carrying the same emotion like mine- shocked. I turn my head to Parth and then Aunty both were too shocked to hear the announcement. They all were expecting my name but its Ranveer's name.

Ranveer walk to her with smile and forward his hand. She look confused and looking at his hand and then turn to me.

Sanyukta: I just come.

I nods and move aside so she walk where she wants to. I m watching her retreating figure which stop near to the small stage and calling the girl Puja. They were talking. It feel like some misunderstanding took place. I look at Ranveer side and I got it. It was him. He called her in afternoon when we are busy in our world only. I closed my palm in fist in pocket and turn to her. She is coming back to us. She stand near to me and forward her hand.

Sanyukta: chale ?

I look at her forwarded hand and again the girl's voice come to live.

Puja: Sorry Sirs and Madams, there is some changes in dancing partners. Its Mr. Randhir Singh Shekhawat instead of Wing Commander Ranveer Mittal. We heartily apologized for making wrong announcement.

She is still standing in front of me with the forwarded and waiting for my reply. I pull out my right hand from pocket and hold her hand with a timid smile. Ranveer should know its only my right to hold her. We pass and stand on the dance floor.

Sanyukta: listen... firstly there is formal dance then we dance normally.

I nod only.

Sanyukta: so jaisa m karu waisa karna ..

I again nod with okay. She smile a little but I m really disturbed. He crossing his limits now. Music starts and I look at her. She bow and mouthed to me too. I bow a little. She raise her hands in front me and ask me to do the same. I try to touch her raised hands but she shakes in no. Oh I get a picture. I have to raise my hands like we our hands our mirror image. She mouthed me for round and I look others they take a round and same I did. We did the same again dance till five rounds didn't complete.


The formal dance over and other officers with their dancing partners start joining the floor and so the music change. She come close to me and put my hand on her waist and her hand directly reach to my shoulder not before sliding on my chest over my suit. I shivered a little but maintain eye contact with her. A glint of mischief smile is on her lips and eyes. We start moving on the floor.

Sanyukta: sorry.. woh misunderstanding thi.

I : its okay..

But somewhere its not okay for me. He really should know that she taken and she is mine and I m hers and we will remain like this forever. If he again try to hit her or do something like I will not remain clam and show him that if I m sweet than I can be bad too which is not good for him and his health. He is her friend that's why I bear him or else.. Leave it.

Sanyukta: I think we should kiss.

My thoughts comes to stop and I snap my head in her direction. My eyes pop up and I stop moving more on the floor. I blink my eyes and watch her with confused state. But she is already watching me with her dark twinkling eyes and coy smile on her lips. I realized she is kidding with me. I composed myself and ask in a whispered voice.

I: what did you say?

And she replied casually.

Sanyukta: I asked for kiss...

I can't believe my ears. She again said the same thing with a casual tone. M I hearing her right? She is asking me for a kiss and in front of lots of people and Aunty and Parth too. She knows that I don't like PDA's and still she is asking for kiss.. I look around had anybody else heard us what we are talking. Everyone is busy in dancing. I again look at her and her coy smile turn into a small laugh.

Sanyukta: aww.. u look so cute right now...

I swallowed and I m staring only at her in disbelief.

Sanyukta: I was joking... I know what just happened. Muje bi ni pata that but after dance I will ask Ranveer about it. Now smile please.

I was so disturbed that she can also feel this . I should apologize to her.

I : I m sorry.. it was just....

But she cuts me in middle.

Sanyukta: I know ... I m also shocked when I heard his name but I was determined I will dance with u today. As it is my first dance with u in my AFS. And I don't want lose this opportunity.

She winks at me. How easily she is saying all this and I always control myself and remain clam when it comes to her. Should I feel lucky for this ?

Sanyukta: if u want we can kiss.... u know we are in my air base and no one will ask.

I gaped in horror.

Sanyukta: yes.. you don't even compliment me. But I can say u looking handsome, so beautiful and utterly delicious to taste.

I m swallowing my lump by lump and gazing her. Her shining eyes with sheepish grin on her lips. I just forget her what to say. I m staring at her blankly. And here she is smiling on my state. Music get stop and I immediately left her waist but she hold me from shoulder.

Sanyukta: I mean it Randhir.

She winks at me and tuck her hand around my arm and we pass the dance floor.

Thanks for the read 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Signing off for now


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