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After 2.5 hrs of journey in my new Mercedes SUV from Delhi to her AFS we finally reached. I completed all the formality before entering the gate and waited in car. I send Parth to go out of car so she can easily catch us where we are waiting. It has only 5 mins passed and my eyes catch her instantly she was running to us. She was in her uniform and my lips curved in smile. I start looking at features her face got some tanned but the glow is still on her cheeks. Her dark brown eyes which are sparkling and her cute little nose. My gaze falls to her lips there is smile lingering. She immediately hugged aunty and also met Parth. But I didn't come out car and only tightening my fists on steering wheel. I m trying to clam my heartbeats which raced up after i saw her and hearing her voice. I m silently praying not to lose- breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.

My car door opened and I watched from rear mirror. There she is. Our eyes locked but I immediately broke it. She sits behind me with aunty and start instructing me for parking and whenever she looked away I watched her from the rear view. And whenever our eyes locked I broke the contact and look at front. I know that's weird that avoiding an eye contact from your own girlfriend. But what should I do ? I mean I really missed her. I want to hold her, embrace her, feel her against me. It feel like there is flood of emotions inside me and I m so helpless. There is nothing I can do.

I put my hands in pocket coz they are itching now to touch her. When I m standing beside her. Her apple fragrance how can I forget. Its so sweet as she is. She start introducing us to a flying officer and her tongue got tied when she start introducing me. She start stammering and fumbling words. A girl who is so dominating and ordering but now she become a girl who find hard to introduced her boyfriend to her colleague. I mentally laughing or enjoying her state but maintained a poker face not to show her how much I m loving this girl who is fumbling with words or nothing is coming out from her mouth.

She left and we make our way to the ground as per her instructions. We seated in the second row and waiting to start her show. Ground is filled with Indian Air force Officers and their family. But at the back side there are state audiences too who also comes to watch the show.

There is small stage with a podium at one side and other small stage on other side. Two officers comes in their uniform and one is woman. They come to the stage and stand behind the podium.  The female officer voice echoed on speaker. She introduced herself as Wing Commander Anuradha Sinha and her colleague Group Captain Sahil Mehra. She started with telling about the history of Air Force, how it formed, who founded it and what its purpose in our lives. After that male voice echoed on speaker who came with her. He announced band members to come on the ground and drum beats comes to our ears.

Men starts coming to ground in their sky blue shirts and navy blue pants as their uniforms. The drum beats are so synchronised and the way they are parading I must say they really practice well. They come to halt in front of the stage and one man comes in front. He turns back so he can face other and he raise his hand and again drum comes in live. After sometime they stopped and again announcement made on speaker.

Female Voice: In this parade 110 air warriors, 46 squadrons and 20 wing commander take part.

And the air force officers comes to ground and drum beats welcoming them. I look for her and there she is leading the team. One male officer in front of him but I don't care. My eyes only stuck to her. With strong determination she is parading where on mic the female officer aka wing commander telling the importance of parade. They marched or say they are taking rounds of the ground. They comes to halt in front of other stage where a man standing and few men are behind him may be he is chief of this AFS. The male voice comes who is front of her.

Male voice: Salami de.

They salute to their chief and stay there for 5 mins and again marched and passed it and stand at one corner.

Again the male voice comes on speaker for welcoming Paratroopers. We all look at the sky and one after one paratroopers make way their way and landing on the ground. That was really awesome. I look at Parth and Aunty side they really enjoying the show and so m I. Parth is also taking pictures.

Again, the drum beats start and the parade start with left right left and marched. They salute and exiting from the ground. Few soldiers come and put a table on stage where their chief is standing. I get it. Its a medal distribution ceremony. I just look at Parth and aunty who have smile on their face and clapping. Its really good that she asked me to come here or else I miss this such a beautiful event.

Medals start distributing and after 8 mins or more mins her name announced with other 3 officers Sanaya Rai, Vikas Sharma and Harish Kumar for medal of valour. They come into a straight line and step to stage in sync together. She look so disciplined and determined and her eyes sparking with her passion. But when she is at home nobody can tell her she is an air force officer. She behave like a kid who needs cuddling and pampering. Sometimes I doubt how she get entered in this or how they selected her. But I really proud on her that she achieved with her hard work. I look at aunty who is wiping her tears. The Chief handed her medal and shake hands. They step back again in sync left the ground in marching form.

Medal distribution get over. There start air warriors drill with 12 airmen as per the announcement.

Female voice: Air Force day is comes to end but not before our air show. Welcome our flying team with lead under Wing Commander Sunil Vasisth with Squadron Leader Sanyukta Aggarwal and 2 flying officers Kumar Kanthal and Naresh Arora.

Everyone look in the sky and 4 jets comes in the sky. I don't know in which jet she is but I m so worried for her I hope everything goes well. The jets get split and start making rounds and twirling their jets. One of the twirled jet release smoke in round shape. And other jet enter and cross the circle and lift in sky the jet. Other jets were busy in making formation. Audiences start hooting and praising them.

A jet release orange colour smoke in sky and go straight then again a jet release white smoke and go straight and other also do the same and release green smoke and our nation flag tringana formed in sky.

Female Voice: ready for our national anthem.

And we all stand straight and national anthem starts with drum beats.


Her show ends on a colourful note. The show was fabulous and awesome one. Its was so wonderful to come here. Parth is smiling with aunty. Everyone start leaving the ground and I start looking for her but I heard a voice from behind. A male voice. It feel like I heard the voice before.

1) I hope the Air Force Day I write up to the mark. I know I can watch at the YouTube and write exactly they did and spoke and I did but somewhere I feel there should be mine touch too as this story is mine so I did some changes. So I just hope u like it.

2) I hope u all guess it right who is he??? Especially who read the S1 of this. But if not then giving u hint check S1 for this.  

Thanks for the read 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Signing off for now


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