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I: It is nice place thanks for showing me.

Person: pleasure all mine sir.

I again look at the place and beach is very near to the place. When first time I look at the place 3 months back I like the place immediately and thought of buying it. And finally I m here again to sign the lease.

Person: Sir... than we can sign the deed ?

I: Yes sure.

Person: Lead this way sir.

We move to his office for the lease. I want to expand my business and my work lands me here. Three months back I came here to meet Mr. Alfred for some work. Actually he owns the best cheese factory so I want to collaborate with him but at the end I just end up here and think of setting up here. But this time no restaurant or hotel but a resort. Few days after my meeting with him, I looked around the place and a broken resort near to Nai Harn beach catch my sight and finally I thought of buying it. 

Nai Harn Beach is in Phuket. Phuket is a nice place with beaches and most importantly the sunset. It looks beautiful when sun rise or set. I m here from a 3-4 days and tomorrow I m going to India and send Yuvraj to renovate the resort as soon as possible. The reason behind of buying a resort at beach is her. She loves island, blue open sky, sun rise and sun set and all I did for her happiness. I know she will be angry when I will told her about this but soon she will clam and happy for me. I will be happy when she smiles.

Person: Congratulation sir, from now onwards its all yours.

I: Thanks..

We shake hands and I left his office.


I move to my hotel and pack all my belongings.

After 20 mins my packing is done and sit on the bed with huffed voice. I checked my phone there is still time for my flight as it is in night. I open my phone and look at the gallery section and here her smiley weird face with Parth. A small laugh comes, I swipe more for her photos and I realised how much I m missing her. From the time I came here I didn't talk to her and from 15th September we talk occasionally as she is busy in her practice for Indian Air force Day and she practice for longer time. I m also going to attend her function as she will be honored and I don't want to miss that. Actually I promised her that if she do good in her departmental exam whatever she will asked me to do I will do and she wants that I should see her life at Air Force station. So I m going with aunty and Parth on the same the day. I swipe more of her pictures when my stomach grumbled and I realised I just escaped my lunch. I ordered food before leaving.


I reach home or say Sanyukta's home after travelling for 7 hours of journey in flight. Yes, after she leave for her Air base and Papa aka her sir also leave I come and live at her place. I know its weird but I want to take care of Anjana Aunty as she is my second mother and I so love her that I don't want she lives alone.. I plead or beg to come and live with me at my home but she is adamant like daughter, like mother. I scoffs.

I stand and press the doorbell. Door opens. There she is standing with a smile.

I: Namaste aunty. I bow down and touch her feet's. She blessed me.

Aunty: Under aao.

I drop my bag near to sofa and sit and find some relief. 7 hours long journey and pressure of work from last few days all are "just commendable". I chuckles.

Aunty: Lo pani piyo..

She forward me glass of water and I take it immediately and concerned looks comes on face.

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