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My 3 days passed very quickly. After he dropped me here I emptied my bag and in evening time I filled Nazia about the details as per my promise. She congratulated me on my engagement. I also showed her our vacations pictures. She was very excited while rolling the pictures of us. And next 2 days went in work in morning and nights with him not physically but on video call. 

Today we are leaving to Russia for our military training. This time there is winter is running on. I called Maa, Parth and him already in morning as we are not allowed to take phone with us. They all wished me luck.

Now, we 20 squadrons leaving for Russia after 15 mins for our military training with the Russian Air Force. We are all lined up and catching the last min details for next seven days.

Air Commodore: very well now... U can go..

We nodded and left and moved forward to the runway. A cargo jet H-105 will take us there. We all get settled in it and buckled our seat belts. Its starts...


After 10 hours of journey we landed on Russian Air Force runaway. Its evening time and its freezing . Cold winds are whistling in my ears. I rubbed my hands together for some warmth and a senior officer came and stood in front of us. We saluted and greeted him. As I looked at his uniform he has two big stars on his shoulders with a red tie under his jacket. It means he is at higher post.

Voice: Welcome officers. I m Lieutenant Colonel of Russian Air force.

We nodded and he resumed..

Voice: Let come inside and meet ur instructor and fellow cadets.

We followed him and step inside a room. Its so warm here. My blood start circulating again in my body which froze for a while. I start looking at the room. There is white board and a green small board in front and some chairs at my side. A hulk man entered with paper in hand and followed by some cadets or said Russian officers. He pinned two papers on the notice board. After finishing the pinning he turned to us.

Man: evening cadets...

His voice was hard and determined looks in his eyes.. His face is stone hard with no emotions carrying on it. He was wearing a simple black cap and black jacket around himself.

Man: I m ur instructor for rest of 7 days. And as u see on my back

He pointed back with his thumb.

Man: I pinned two papers. This will be ur schedule for first 5 days.

What 5 days ?? and What about rest of 2 days ?

Roam Russia

I rolled my eyes on my subconscious voice and I looked at him. He start walking out and we all moved forward to looked at the pinned paper. I read thoroughly and got slightly idea that this training will be the different from others..

May be hard too..

I agreed with my voice. The way it all defined with the timings it will be very difficult especially when the temperature near to minus five now outside. What will be in morning.


A loud voice echoed on loudspeaker. I lazily opened my eyes. It looks like there is night still outside. I removed my quilt and got up for fresh.


We arrived at the ground. Its a open field ground. Sky is clouded with black color. Cold winds running in my ears. It feel like temperature may be minus ten or more. We are basically shivering of the cold breeze. We all lined up and waiting for the instructor. His voice comes and I turned to see him. He was coming with a man..

Instructor: good morning cadets. Sleep well?

He smirks.. We didn't do that during our training. We greeted him back with the determined voice with hands back and heads up.

Instructor: here.. u called by numbers now..

He gestured the man to give the numbers. He gave us the cloth where numbers is printed and my number is 15 and we wore it.

Instructor: 5 miles run start and then 50 sit ups and 50 floor kicks in 5.

My eyes popped out of it socket. What 5 miles and then 50 sit ups and 50 floor kicks in 5 minutes is he out his mind.

Instructor: Move..

His hard cold voice reached my ears and my thoughts stopped and we start running...


After covering miles not miles 5 miles and then 50 sit ups and 50 floor kicks.... I m exhausted but it was just warm up... the main training start now.

1) Jumping on vertical board

2) Tarzan swing

3) Parallel rope

4) Monkey crawl

5) Vertical rope.


It's 8:30 in morning and sun rises. The temperature is still wet and cold. But the cold winds stopped. We completed our first day of training and left for the room for freshen up. As we only got till 9:15 for breakfast after that we have class at 10.


We arrived in class and got seated. We all looked at the front and waited for our instructor. Someone cleared their throat hard and I looked for the person. Its our instructor came along with a uniform in woman. She has pretty face and fair color. Her smile is amazing. We all get up from our respective chairs.

Instructor: cadets she is Captain Swan.

We wished her morning and instructor left with closed door. She gestured us to seated again.

Captain Swan: cadets... today we start with the history...

She starts writing on the board and I keenly listening her. She was talking about the dam buster. It was also called bouncing bomb. It was firstly used in World war II. It explodes the water dam so that the power goes away.


After class and lunch we slept for a while and again loudspeaker come to live for our military training again start for evening.


My next five days passed like my first day went. Get up in child morning and do warm up then main training starts. But there is change in warm up that everyday a mile increased and 10 sit ups and 10 floor kick increased. I got exhausted of this physical training that at night I slept early. But I loved theory classes. I learnt so many things even we go for practical's too. I learnt about HMD. Its called Helmet mountain display where a flying officer can aim without looking downward.

F-35 jammed missile which have friendly interface and turned into 360 degree. I flied Advanced Raptor. It has smooth handling and carry laser vaporization it means we aim the object and the object will burn after 5 mins from laser. There is the best jet ever in the world which Russian have. Its called scram jet. Its a hyper sonic jet plane and mostly used for air to air combat and can flied above 45000 ft.

Today we are climbing the mountain to learn how to survive in icy weather . We all dressed in white suits along with numbers and small back pack with medical kit, some multi tool kit, a warm water bottle and snacks as we will back in late evening. We all lined up and waiting for our instructor.

Instructor: give them.

The man handed us one axe, rope, helmets and climbing harness...

Instructor: follow me ..

We followed him and reached the truck. We get inside and left for the mountain climbing.

Thanks for the read 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Signing off for now


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