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I snuggled more into him but his alarm always disturbed my sleep. Why he put alarm when I m with him. Again his alarm rings and I cringed.I outstretched my hand to stop it. But he stirred and lazily open his eyes. He smiles and I rub my nose on the side of his neck and lazily speaks.

I: alarm....

He stopped the alarm and tighten his hold around me. My lips touched the side of his neck. I m sleeping on his left shoulder. I m going to closed my eyes again for sleep but his voice comes.

Randhir: good morning.

I lift my head to look at him.

I: morning...

Randhir: u should go...

I shook my head in no and lowered my head.

Randhir: please... I promise I will back soon today...

My eyes lit up and slide from him. I put my palms on his left shoulder and over that I put my chin.

I: okay.. then meet u in morning...

He grins...

Randhir: more morning...

I smile and kiss his shoulder and put my jacket around me and left his room.

With tip toe I came down and entered my room. I resigned and remove my jacket and go into the covers. I shivered coz of the cold blanket. I closed my eyes for more sleep...


Its 8:30 am when I came out my room and music is on. I smiles and passed the passage. I stopped as Maa and him were sitting on the stool and taking sip from their cups. He saw me and nods to come. I come near to them.

I: Good morning maa.

Maa: good morning...

She smiles and again took sip from her cup where I turned to him.

I: morning...

Randhir: morning...

He stand up and moved into kitchen and I sat on his stool. I looked at him when I heard maa.

Maa: sanyu tere lips??

I gasped and took my lips under my teeth.

Maa: mat kar dekh sujh gaye h...

I left my lips and looked at him who is coming toward us. His head is lowered but I can see he is pressing his lips together not to smile. He cleared his throat.

Randhir: here ur coffee and omelette.

He put the plate in front of me and slowly I pull the plate near to me. He took the chair from the corner and sit opposite of us.

Maa: tuje m balm dungi use it.

I nod like a student and start eating my breakfast. How can I tell her its not coz of biting its something else... and who did this is sitting opposite of me. I raised my lashes to look at him. He is smirking... Let the night come..


Maa put the cup on the counter and turned to him.

Maa: packing m help chaiye to bata dena.

Randhir: Jii aunty..

Maa: waise bhaishaab kal kb tk aayenge ?

Randhir: afternoon tk bola h...

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