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It has been two days since my engagement happens. I m still smiling like an idiot whenever I remind the moment in my head, there is goofy smile on my lips. Sometimes Papa, Parth and Yuvraj caught me smiling in my dreams but what should I do. That day she was looking so eternal beautiful and mesmerized for my eyes that her face didn't disappeared from my eyes. She was clad in baby pink lehenga and her blush yes she blushed for the first time and I really loved it... Her hands in mehendi and she behaving like typical normal girl. That what amazed me most.

It feel like yesterday our engagement happened. But to disappoint me its a day before yesterday and today we are leaving for Phuket. I m going to pick them from their home and then we leave for our vacations. A honk come from outside and my cab is here. I got downstairs and Parth and Papa is coming out from their rooms with their luggage.

I remind everything in my mind and we locked our home and make way to her home which is now my officially in- law's home.


We reached at her home and I entered with Parth. Aunty was there and instructing Avni.

I: Good morning aunty.

She looked at me and smile.

Aunty: Good morning.

I bend and touched her feet. But as usual Parth hugged her and greet. I look around but she is no where but there are two bags near the table.

I: Aunty yeh bags...

She nodded and I went to take the bags. I start pulling the bags. But I stopped and immediately turned back. She is busy in her phone and walking.

Parth: hey bhabhi..

Now its official and he can say aloud and whenever he wants. She raise her head and instead of looking at him she looked at me. I smile to her and she returned. I and Parth towed the bags in the cab and leave for the airport. Our flight is 2 o'clock in afternoon.

I know till this time she don't know where we are heading but I love to see her reaction when she will go to know. We come out the cab and make our way for entrance. We checked our documents and she didn't bother to check her air tickets which she is waving in her hands. We waited for the announcement. And next minute an announcement made for our flight.

I: chale??

All smiled to me but her hands on her mouth. Her eyes were beaming in happiness. I nodded and gestured others to walk and we will come soon. She immediately ran and hugged me tightly. With same passion I hugged her back.

Sanyukta: islands...

I nodded under her neck.

I: and sunset too..

We parted away our frames and she was all smiling widely.

I: ab chale ?

She nodded her head vigorously but before we walk and board our flight she swiftly kiss me on lips and start pulling me. Her dominant will never keep quiet and sit back.


After a long journey of flight we all headed to visa department for their visa on arrival. It only take 30 mins and we came out the airport and look for any sign about us. Yuvraj already told me he hired a guide service for us. Parth tapped on my shoulder and pointed in one direction. At a distance there is my name is written on placard. We walk in that direction. There is fair young black head girl standing and dressed in green shirt and ripped black jeans with the placard. She is around in her thirties. She looked confused as we stand in front of her.

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