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May the Indian tricolor, Always fly high

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May the Indian tricolor, Always fly high... Warm wishes on...

The grand occasion of Independence Day 




I parked my car in garage and closed the door of it. I looked at my watch I still have the time for cook for him and till the time I will u tell what happened when we met in past.


After clean up I came into my kitchen and start collecting things for food. I don't have much time now as I already used 20 mins for my freshen up and he will be any soon.

Don't u remembered he called and said he will be a bit late..

My subconscious mocked at me like a singing.... I rolled my eyes and but totally agreed with him.

I collect all the ingredients for chocolate crackles and apple pie. She loved chocolate and apple pie is for my father. Yesterday I bought all the items that's why I reached late t her home. I start working on it.

Flashback Starts

Finally the Thursday arrived and as per her saying I came early at her home so we can go together. Parth already left 2 days after we talked to our father. I pressed the bell and door opened by aunty.

We sat on the dinning table and aunty served breakfast but I didn't feel like to eat something. A weird sensation feeling is coming in my body- anxiety, nervousness and sweaty .

Whether she asked for permission to go out with me but I also asked aunty for permission. She happily agreed and wished me luck. Yes, I need luck beside me. I m going to face my father and will have normal talk instead of pushing.


After 30 – 35 mins of drive we reached at the address. All the time of drive she was encouranging me and saying sweet things to make me calm. His house on the ground floor and we stand up in the front of the door. All Hand in hand. She pressed the bell and we waited. Door opened by an old man.

OM: jii...

I: Sir h ?

He draws his eyebrows together.

I: Major General Harsh Singh Shekhawat sir..

OM: jii... aap kon ?

Before I speak there is voice come from his behind and he was so loud that we both can hear too. The old man turned his back.

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