You're Coming Home With Me

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He knows. How did he figure it out?

Of course he knows, the only guy he knows is his brother!

I laugh because I don't think he likes his brother that much and I don't want him hurt.

"Why are you laughing?" his voice has a serious tone. My smile turns to a frown. "It's ok, I don't care if you like Jake." he looks at the wall.

"I used to, until I realized what a jerk he is." I smile, he is a jerk unlike Mark.

He smiles back-

"Phone," he says. I give him a confused look, did he lost his phone or does he want mine? "Yours," he adds. Oh mine, I hand him my phone and he quickly starts touching the screen. "So we can keep in touch."

"Ok, did you get my number?" I asked. I realized what I just said, it sounds weird. We're not dating... we're not.

"Yeah, I'll text you don't worry." He grins. Yeah, like I want him to text me. I was curious about him and his brother. I look at Mark, they look so much alike. Except Mark is 1)nicer 2)way better grin 3)hair is parted in the opposite way of Jake's.

"What's it like being Jake's brother? I blurt out, oh god I didn't want to say that.

He looks to his side, he doesn't want to talk about it. He looks sad, this must be a very sensitive topic.

"It's ok you don't have to tell-" he cuts me off.

"I'll tell you, I feel like we're related cuz' you liked my brother." he teases. Wow, well I rather have him as a brother anyways. "My-our dad cheated on our mom with my mom's closest friend. Then when they got a divorce," he paused and took a deep breath. "we were separated." he looks at me in the eye, seeing if I understand.

By "we were separated" I bet that he means that his mom took him and his dad took Jake.

"Wow, that's-" I didn't know what to say, I mean saying terrible makes it sound like I pity him which I don't. "stressful." I finish. I can't imagine how much stress he's put under.

"Thanks. Lets talk about something else. Shall we?" he asks lending a hand. I take it. "Now lets go outside to eat I'm starving!" he exaggerates. I laugh, I know just the place to take him.


"Really Celeste?" Mark looks at me wide eyed. It's the place where I go every Friday, my favorite. Mark comes closer. "How did you know this is my favorite place to eat?"

"I didn't, this is my favorite place." I retort. It's like we're having a fight of who likes the place better?

"Are you sure you don't like me instead of Jake? Know that I think about it you look familiar, have we on a train?" he asked.

"What?!" I yell. "First of all, I liked Jake. Next, if we did why don't I remember-" I stop, wait that's where I first met Jake....

"What?" he asked looking concerned this time.

"Nothing, lets eat." I say casually, I mean he doesn't have to know how I met his brother.

We go in and order. It smells so delicious, I feel like I haven't eaten in ages.

"Probably because I wasted my time hanging with someone." I mumble in my breath. Unfortunately that someone heard.

"Excuse me?" he asked raising a eyebrow.

"Nothing," I take a bite of my pizza so he doesn't ask anything else. "I was just saying how I wasted my time to hang with you instead of eating precious food." I made sure I sounded terrible so he wouldn't understand.

"Yeah, like I'm at fault." he understood what I said! Great! I giggled trying to make it calmer here.


My phone, oh crap! I hope my brothers aren't home yet. Yup, 2 older brothers to bother me.

I pick up without looking at the caller ID. "Yello?" I say.

"Celestial? Is that you? If it is then finish whatever you're doing and come home. You need to greet us." It was Cole my 21 year old brother.

"Wait I'll in a few." I say quickly. "Stay and don't hang up." I look at Mark. I give him a look with my phone next to my ear.

"Wait! No way am I paying!" he shouted giggling. I shush him.

"Yes you are." I hiss. "You don't make a girl pay-"

"Oh my god! Celestial princess? Are you with a boy?!" Cole yelled. I hadn't realized that I put the phone on speaker while hissing at Mark.

"Celestial princess?" Mark looked me with an evil look. Oh god, he knows my nickname now.

"You bring that boy home, if you don't I'm stealing your money again!" Cole yelled. I turn it off speaker.

"Yeah I don't care," I roll my eyes. " you've done that a zillion times."

"Fine I'll take a pic of your undies and post it Facebook?" he asked this time.

"Nooooooooooo!" he can't invade my privacy! "Fine I'll bring Mark with me." I look at Mark to see his expression. He has a warm smile but now an evil grin......creepy.

"Yay! Bye!" he hung up on me.

"Great," I glare at Mark. "My brother want to see you. You're coming home with me." I say like a sluggish animal.

"Ok." his face was expressionless.



"Coming!" Nate(23 year old brother) yelled. Mark and me wait patiently by the door.

"Can't wait." Mark says and he wasn't being sarcastic. Nate opens the door-

"Mark?" Nate asked but not in the nice to meet you way, in a I know you way. They know each other?

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