I Thought I Knew You?

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•Chapter 21•


"I need to tell you something...." His eyes saddened and looked down. "You may not like it but...The thing is that it's about me and Jake,"

"What you mean? What's wrong?" Confused again, he takes my hand and holds it gently. Is it serious, why is he shaking so much? I could see his bottom lip trembling, he was hiding something from me.

He took a deep breath in, still scared. "Since we are entering our senior year of high school...Dad wanted me and Jake engaged by graduation," My heart pounded, engaged? "he already has a bunch of people for us to choose from."

"You're kidding me, right?" his headed nodded in a no and fear hit me. I was apart of that list and I knew it. My mind felt like exploding as I remembered that day I overheard that conversation.

"But you should be happy-" I cut him off, I didn't need to be told twice.

"I'm on that list, yeah I know." I said trying to smile. I bobbed my head down with my hair surrounding me. Mark gently brushed two fingers and pushed my hair behind my ear.

His face leaned closer towards mine. "How did you know?" I smiled opened my mouth but didn't want to answer. I covered my mouth to make it look like a yawn. He obviously didn't buy it. "What?" he wanted to know but what do I say, 'I eavesdropped on your parents?'

I nodded. The door opened and our heads jerked towards the door. Rose appeared and it looked like I was looking in a mirror.

"Hey, um did your foster parents tell you that your...uh adopted?" she said in a low tone while curling her hair with her index finger. My mind froze completely blank. I tried gasping for air but I felt like the air was leaving the room. "I'll take that as a no," she turned on her heels but quickly turned around. "hey, we're wearing the same outfit, ain't that weird?"

I tried to form a smile. 'Well we are twins.' I looked at Rose. She had the same faded blue jeans with the same lavender blouse and converse boots or whatever. The only difference is her icy blue eyes.

"Actually I wanna tell you something, Rose." I smiled and patted the empty bed spot next to me. I looked at Mark next and gave him the most artificial smile I could form and he perfectly understood.

"Sister bonding time, my cue to leave, ladies." I looked into his eyes saying thanks and he kissed my cheeks. I pushed him in a playful way, he should get out. No, seriously...I want to have a serious conversation with Rose, I guess.

Mark turned back once again and smirked at me, waving and left. I heavily sighed. "What am I gonna do with that big flirt?" Rose chuckled and she sat on the bed and kicked her feet around like a little girl.

"So what did you want to say to me?" she put on a serious face but then chuckled at herself. She actually has a really bubbly personality. She scooted closer. "What, are you gonna tell me secrets?" she whispered then giggled.

"No, uh...I wanted to talk to you about my parents. I mean foster parents as you said." I gulped and Rose made a straight expressionless face. "My pare- foster parents died not to long ago in a car accident." Her face scrunched up.

"I'm not gonna be a person who pities others but damn that really sucks." that's when I heard Rose's accent.

"You have an accent? Where are you from?" I was amused where my sister was from. I mean I don't know anything about this girl.

"I'm- I mean we were both born in Canada, but as you know we're both French." Rose chuckled and scratched the tip of her nose. "We are also the same age of course."

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