Don't Hurt Me...Please

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Chapter 20: "Don't Hurt Me...Please?"

WARNING: Drama Alert LOL

* Unedited *

Muffled breaths as I awoke. All I could manage to hear was thump, thump. Trying to process where I was, I could feel beads of sweat on my forehead on my bare skin. It was cold and just only had I realized what I was wearing. It was a dirty silk gown, torn on the edges. To put it simply it was ugly.

It must've been at least a few days.

I looked around the room and saw I was stuck in a cage, I wasn't tied but I had a feeling if I did I would get hurt-

"Don't fucking act like your prince is gonna come and save your sorry ass, you whore!" A man down the gray walls shouted, my whole body shuddered as I heard the words echo. Whip! I heard a girl scream for her life. My head jerked to look in front of me and I saw my reflection.

Only it wasn't my reflection, it wasn't me. It was a girl who looked exactly like me. "Celestial and Rose, get their pretty bodies ready." a man with brown curls came in and watched me or us.

I went back to staring at her. Her brown hair was flowing like mine. Her skin was paler than mine as her rosy red lips stood out as she was sleeping. I touched my temple as tried to force myself to believe that this is a dream.

"She's your twin." the man simply said. His chocolate eyes put so much tension in the room. I stared deeply into them as I wanted to throw up.

"Cough." my face quickly jolted towards Rose. She's awake, her eyes slowly opened. They were a darker color than mine. "Celest- run." her eyes widened as she saw the man with curly hair. I crawled over to her-

My body was suddenly lifted as I felt light and dizzy. My head turned as I saw the same girl who was at my house before. Her icy blue eyes were killing me, they were so frickin scary.

"Come on, just get up or I'll do it the hard way." she sighs. I lift myself up trying not to fall. But then my foot tripped, I gasped as my adrenaline was on a rush. My back arched as I could feel the needle in push in. The way it was roughly putting in whatever it was. My head went light as my head hurt.

"Come on sweetie." I heard a man's voice as his strong grip pulled me up like I was a dead body....which I was at this time. I then only wondered what about Rose? I turn my head to see that they already took her. Wherever she's gone too, I'm next.

Jake where are you?

I could feel my butt touch something cold. "Wait here." the girl hissed. I could feel her icy blue eyes glare at me. I lean towards my right to fall on something. A person. My head was right on their lap. But what shocked me was they stroked my hair, what kind of kidnapper strokes your hair?

My body was being lifted again, boy I am tried from this 'sleep walking.' I should be freaking out but I wayyyyyy too tired. Does anyone notice something weirrrd with me. Oh yeah, I got poked with a fat ass needle.

They dropped me in some place bright and empty feels. She placed me against the wall as I banged my head causing me to groan. I open my eyes and see Rose sitting there hopeless and dead like. I looked around, we were in a white cylinder space. There was these black windows circling around us. Suddenly my heart dropped.

Slavery auction?

My eyes widen as my heart rate was beating faster and faster. I turn around and look at Rose. Who is she, why does she look like me, what are we doing here, how does she know me?

I run to Rose and shake her. "Wake up, wake up girl who looks like me!" I shook her so hard it looked like I was trying to kill her. No answer. I grabbed her hand as I squeezed it tightly. "Please." I whispered.

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