Come Closer To Me Part 1

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•Come Closer To Me Part 1•

~1 1/2 years ago~

I set my bag down on the train seat and tighten my braids. I push my glasses and my lean head against the glass. There he was. It was Eric, was he coming after me?

I nod my head in disbelief and soon see what he was really chasing. It was Lily, of course it was Lily. Every guy liked her. I should've never liked Eric in the first place. I think I'm just going to go to Juliet's house.

I take out my Samsung Galaxy S4 and decided I would just go on Facebook-or maybe not. Lily just came in on this train and was sitting right in front of me, all smiling like a doll.

Then Eric came in, his blonde shaggy hair was all messed up, but damn, he looked hot. He started walking towards our way. He ran his ran through his fingers. I look at his hair, then his lips, then his eyes. My gaze stayed there and we were both locked into each other's gaze.

I quickly broke, I didn't want him to think I was staring at him and he did the same.

"Hey, uh sorry but why are you avoiding me?" Eric asks towering over Lily. The question was meant for her, if it was for me....I'd probably be swearing a lot.

"For no particular reason." she said flipping her hair. I push my glasses again and watch her. Once she notices me observing her she glares at me. Next, she did what a any girl would to do to get a guy's attention except me, she lifted her chest and made her breast more noticeable. Then she turned her head to me and smiled.

I coughed and went to trying to look busy on my phone. Yeah, I'm super great at this.

"So who are you?" she asked. The tone in her voice made it so obvious that she didn't like me at all.

"Um," I mean was I going to say? 'I'm the girl you make fun of, you dumb Barbie doll bitch.' Yeah, I wish. "I go to your school, I'm Celeste." I said, I hope I didn't stutter.

"Oh, cute name." she said smiling and then went back looking at Eric. "So want to go somewhere else?" she raised her eyebrow. I'm pretty sure that they were both looking at me and just wanted to get away. From me.

I don't blame them, I am just some nerdy looking girl here. But they're just loser. They both left holding hands. Suddenly a gust of wind passes my face but then comes back. I look up to see who it was-

He had these dreamy green eyes and dirty blonde hair. He was panting so hard I was actually going to ask him if he was ok. I was starstruck and he was standing there smiling, nice and warm.

"Mind if I sit here?" he said pointing to the seat next me. I mean he could but there were like a 20 more seats available.

I quickly nod as he sits down and takes out his phone. Every 30 seconds or so I noticed him looking at me. I finally built up enough courage and when he looked me I just stared at him.

"Got something to ask?" I say raising a eyebrow, I've got to admit I was trying to sound cocky because I wanted to be left alone.

"Sorry if you wanted to be left alone but I've got a favor to ask." he said looking hopeless. I mean I would be okay taking to this guy, but he's a complete stranger talking to the girls who looks like a nerd.

"Proceed." I said placing my hands on my lap. I was sorta trying to imitate being one of those understanding teachers but whatever.

"There's this girl who's obsessed with me and won't stop bugging me until I go out with her. So I did what any guy would do and told her I'm taken, but I'm not and every girl I tried this with thought it was some kind of joke and I was flirting with them. But you look kind of different." he said gesturing his hand up and down.

He had a really sad look and I think I believe him but could I trust this dude? He could be a stalker or pedophile?

"I believe you and I'll do it....." I didn't know his name so I was clueless. "What's your name 'guy'?" I asked.

"My name?" he seemed surprised. What did he have amnesia? "It's uh....Jake." he said with a complete unhappy tone.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Celeste." I said. I didn't do what most people did and handshake. "So where is this girl?"

"Holy crap!" he says and hides behind me or at least tries to. "She's right there, coming in!" he says in a muffled voice.

"God just come out you chicken, I mean we're doing this for a reason." I said pointing at us. He slowly comes out and straightens his back trying to look like a laid back cool guy.

I look forward to see who he's talking about. I couldn't see her face but she had long red hair and was wearing shorts that were 'ok' length.

She turns around and flips her and spots him-us. Wait a second I know the girl.

"Helen?" I gasp, one of my closest friend was bugging this chicken?


This is part 1 out of 2 or 3. I haven't decided. I wouldn't of made parts but I wanted to update and didn't want the chapter to be soooo long.

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