Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

~Niall Horan~

This was weird.

I had been thinking about her all day. I was easily distracted if I did anything and I had no idea why. Okay something was definitely wrong with me. That time she smiled at me kept replaying in my head again and again. Why? I don't even know.

Her gorgeous eyes, her beautiful smile, her soft pink lips – wait why I'm I thinking about her lips?

This is crazy, insane. It has never happened to me before, ever.

Why can't I stop thinking about her?

This is absolutely ridiculous. I had only seen her for a minute or so.

I don't want to accept the truth because that is just crazy.

It can't be possible one minute....... It's not possible. I guess I'm just overthinking.

It's as weird as it sounds, I think I like a girl whose name I don't even know.

~ * ~ * ~

Today the lads and I weren't doing anything interesting as all of us wanted to sleep in. For lunch I decided that I'd go to Nando's and get some of my favorite food. Also hoping that she was there.

As I reached Nando's I looked around to find if she was there, but no she wasn't. Guess luck wasn't on my side.

This was starting to annoy me now. Why was I thinking about her so much? Why was I even stuck on her? I could pretty much have any girl in the world, but no, only one girl stayed on my mind.

I don't even know why I expected her to come. But there's this little thing called hope, and well you could say I was disappointed.

I'm busy eating my peri-peri chicken but her image always comes to my mind. I have never felt this way before, I can't just have a crush on a girl I saw for barely five minutes. I really need to talk to someone about this because I think I'm going crazy.

~ * ~ * ~

I rang Liam's doorbell. I really needed to talk to someone about this. For the past hour I've been convincing myself that I was just going crazy and needed to visit a psychiatrist, but no that would not work.

Why is it that every time it comes to love, I am the only one who doesn't understa- wait a minute did I just say LOVE??

See this is what I mean when I say I'm going crazy

"Hello earth to Niall." Liam says waving his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry what?"

"You've been standing here for the past five minutes. Want to come in?" Liam asks.

"Yeah. Liam we need to talk." I say.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Liam says faking a tear.

"Let me rephrase that. We need to talk about something."

"Ahh! Okay come on in" he says and we walk over to the couch.

"So what's up?" Liam says

"It's just that........-" I say trailing off.

"Niall is something wrong" Liam asks.

"Okay when I tell you, you have to promise not to make fun of me because I believe that it's stupid."

"It's fine. Just tell me."

"I like a girl."

"Really? Cool who is she."

"That's the thing I don't know"

"Wait a minute you don't know??"

"No I don't I saw for like a minute or so but she's just stuck in my mind and I can't get her out of there."

"So you're telling me you like a girl whose name you don't know."

"Pretty much."

It felt so good to let it all out. At least someone knows now and can help me get through it.

"Could you .......umm describe her"

"She was beautiful and her eyes are just amazing."

"Man you're whipped" Liam says chuckling.

"Yeah I know. I just want to forget about it because I know I will never see her again"

"Don't worry everything will be fine and most probably you'll get over it soon."

"Thanks Liam. I really needed someone to talk to."

"Anytime mate."

~ * ~ * ~

~Liam Payne~

Niall's a really great person. It's sad he has to go through this dilemma. I feel sorry for him. It's not possible that he will find that girl unless it's meant to be.

I was really honored that he came to me and spoke about it. I always doubted myself if I were a good friend and now...... I didn't need to. Comparing to my past I always used to think I wasn't good enough for anyone. But not anymore and it's surprising to think many people all over the world look up to me.

Although if Niall really found that girl he was talking about, it'd be obvious they'd have the perfect relationship, the perfect life and would be madly in love with each other. And there would be this little thing called jealousy, because he would get his perfect life with the perfect girl. I would be really happy for him but then again a part of me would want what he would have if he found the girl.

My thoughts were interrupted by my cell phone ringing. I look at the caller ID to see Gavin, a guy from our management, calling. Hmm what could that be about?

"Hello." I say once I pick up the phone.

"Hello Liam"

"Yeah. Gavin what's up?"

"You guys need to be at this place tomorrow morning. I'll text you the address and could you please inform the other guys."

"Yeah sure. Is it important?"

"Well kinda. We'll tell you when you get there"

"Okay then bye."


I hang up and check my phone to see if I got any new messages from Gavin. In my luck, I did get an address so I quickly forwarded it to the other lads telling them to be there tomorrow morning or maybe we could car pool.

I read the address carefully and after minutes of reading it, I type it in Google search to see it is some sort of FBI headquarters. Why the hell would we have to go to a FBI headquarter.

The lads and I started a group conversation about the place we had to go tomorrow. Louis even came up with the idea that someone might have wanted to destroy us.

Little did he know that, that was true.



Thought I wasn't going to be able to update today because of my wifi -.-

Anyway how did you like this chapter?

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NEXT UPDATE : Monday (maybe Saturday because it's my birthday !!)


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