Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

~Niall Horan~

The day before the sleepover Liam made me tell all the boys about Alex and how much I like her and all that. was pretty awkward.


After Alex and Zayn had their 'Girl Talk', we started our journey to the country side. You could say I was beyond happy because Alex was sitting next to me.


You are sounding like a thirteen year old girl. Grow some balls Niall!!

Okay, maybe that was true, but my emotions are going out of hand. I just can't accept that nothing will happen between us.

I really like her, I just can't give up. Not yet.

~ * ~ * ~

~Alexis Kinley~

"Okay okay, let's go." I say from the backseat. I was sitting next to Niall while Louis was driving (very slowly at that) and Liam was in the passenger seat.

"Hurry up Louis. Don't wanna get pulled over again now do we?" Liam says.

"That was once!"

"Twice!" Liam corrected.

"Why don't you drive then?" Louis snapped.

"Cause I can't drive! If you want me to drive, I'm sorry if you're dead!" Liam argued.

"Boys," I say, "Let's just go before we all starve to death and I'm blaming you if I die." I say.

"Alex can I ask you a question?" Louis asks a few minutes later.

"Sure" I reply.

"Why do people wanna you know.... Destroy us?" Louis asks.

"Do you really wanna know?" I ask.

"Yes I mean is it because people can't handle my awesomeness?" Louis questions.

"Yes Louis people are out to destroy you because they couldn't handle your awesomeness." I reply sarcastically.

"It all makes sense now. That's why I have Me-phobia." Louis says.

"What the hell is that?" Niall asks.

"Fear of becoming to awesome that the human race can't handle it and everyone dies." Louis says.

"Switch!" Liam says and Louis stops the car.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm saying switch. Alex I want you to drive."

"Yay!" I say getting out of the car and walking towards the driver's seat.

"Mean" Louis mumbled sitting in the passenger seat as Liam moved at the back with Niall.

As Louis sits, he immediately removes his iPhone from his back pocket and started texting someone. He was literally acting like a 13 year old girl!

"Oh lord can someone throw his phone away." I say after a few minutes. Liam, from the back, stretches his hand forward grabs Louis' phone and throws it out the window.


"I wasn't serious!!" I exclaim and Liam just shrugs while Niall bursts out laughing.

"It's alright that was just my spare iPod." Louis says.

Spare.... What??

That rich British asshole!

~ * ~ * ~

We reached later than expected, well it wasn't my fault that we had to stop at 3 gas stations only because Harry had to wee.

It was around 9pm now and to be honest I was knackered.

Liam and Zayn got David's room and they were pretty impressed with the amount of action figures. Niall and Harry are bunking together, well.........mainly because Louis called dibs on getting a room alone. And pretty obvious Ella was bunking with me in my bedroom.

After putting our luggages in and getting all our things in order, I changed my clothes getting ready for bed. After getting into my sweat pants and tank top, I brushed my hair as I was looking outside the window. I couldn't wait to visit the stables tomorrow. I really did miss the horses.

"Alex!" Niall calls from across the hall.

"What's up?" I say walking out with my brush in hand.

"I need to take a selfie with you" Niall says.

"Really? Well not now I probably look like a hobo." I say walking back into my room but Niall grabs my hand making me turn around.

"Well I think you'd look lovely in anything you wear" Niall says as we both pose for a quick selfie.

"Good night" Niall says giving me a quick peck on the cheek before walking into his room.

~ * ~ * ~

"Ella!! It's getting stronger" I groaned as I flopped on my bed burying my face into the pillows.

"What's wrong?" Ella says coming out from the bathroom in her PJ's.

"Ella! It's getting stronger and I can't do anything about it." I say turning over to face her.

"Oh Alex" Ella says patting my back to comfort me.

"Maybe you should just let it show. Don't be afraid to fall." Ella says pulling the sheets over to get under.

"Think about what I said. It'll help you. Good night" Ella says switching the bedside lamp.

"Good night" I mumble.

I plug in my earphones and let the sweet voice of Colbie Caillat take over my sleep.

I don't know but I think I maybe

 Fallin' for you dropping so quickly

 Maybe I should keep this to myself

 Waiting 'til I know you better


 I am trying not to tell you

 But I want to

 I'm scared of what you'll say

 So I'm hiding what I'm feeling

 But I'm tired of holding this inside my head


 I've been spending all my time

 Just thinking about you

 I don't know what to do

 I think I'm fallin' for you


This wasn't just any random crush.

The feelings were getting stronger

And I couldn't do anything about it

Maybe Ella was right,

I shouldn't be afraid to fall anymore.....

Out of all the things in the world

I knew one thing........

I'm falling for you Niall Horan.



Dedicated to @crazy1perla ! (because she votes for every chapter)

Credit to @1dpllgleek for the cover. Do you guys like it?

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