Chapter 1
~Alexis Kinley~
"Thank you ma'am and see you soon." I say trying not to sound excited and hang up. I glanced at my friend, Ella, this was it.....................
We both screamed like the world was going to end or you can say like we just got hit by one of the bulls in Spain but that would be a scream of fear, which this one is clearly not. I think everyone is clearly confused on what I'm talking about, so let me tell you a bit about myself.
My name is Alexis Kinley and I'm 19. I live with my best friend, Ella White. I met Ella in college she was my dorm roommate and since then we were best friends. The phone call was about our careers. We had just completed our college last month and last week we had gone for an interview to get a job in the FBI department.
Our college was basically if you wanted to become a part of the FBI or CSI, it taught really good self-defense.
The call was just about how we got the job at the FBI department and we were going to be given our own case to handle. Ahhhh!!!!!! I'm so happy. Actually happy would be an understatement right now.
We had to go to the FBI headquarters tomorrow to get our case on which we would be working on. Right now we were on our way to Nando's for dinner.
~ * ~ * ~
"I honestly can't wait for tomorrow." Ella said.
"I know right our first case.". I replied.
"I just hope it works out well." Ella said taking a look around Nando's. We were currently waiting for our food.
"Girl, we're there it's obviously gonna be fine." I say.
"Wow optimistic much?" Ella says with a bit of attitude, but I still loved her.
"Haha. You know me." I reply.
"Duh. I had to bear with you for all of college." She says looking over her shoulder.
"Hey!! No need to be so mean" I say giving her the you-hurt-my-feelings look.
"But I love you too much not to be mean" she says.
"Why thank you. I love you too." I say. We weren't a couple or anything. We weren't even lesbians. We just had a really close relationship. Like they say college friends last forever.
Our food came about 5 minutes later. I was busy eating my peri-peri chicken which I loved to bits. Don't judge me I just really liked Nando's.
~Ella White~
While I was eating I looked up past Alexis' shoulder to see 5 guys walk in, you could say that they were most probably our age. But what they were wearing made me want to talk to them more. They all had their hoods on, a pair of sunglasses and all of them had moustaches, which you could tell was clearly fake.
"Hey look at them." I whisper to Alex, that's what I call her.
"Look at what!" she says. Oh my why did she have to be so loud they might've heard since we were pretty close to the entrance of the restaurant.
"Shh. Whisper." I whisper to her not wanting them to hear us.
"Uh fine. What do I look at?" she whispered clearly annoyed that she was disturbed from eating her beloved peri-peri chicken.
"Behind you." I say.
She turns slowly and takes a glance at the guys. She turns back giving me a look that was like what's up with them.
"Why the hell are they wearing sunglasses at this time and inside a restaurant?" she whispered. Damn that chick was a diva.
"I have no idea but they clearly need to catch up on do not wear sunglasses in places where there is no sun." I say. Hmmm.............maybe even I'm a diva.
"And what's up with the moustaches, they're so fake." Alex said once they were all being walked up to their table.
"I don't know. They seem really mysterious" I say sipping my strawberry lemonade.
"Yeah.........really mysterious with no sense of fashion!" There we go. Everyone this is my best friend who is a diva. But I still loved that girl.
The waiter came back a few minutes later with our check. As we were leaving one of the guys with curly hair and well..........we can't see his eyes, walked up to us, more specifically towards me.
"Hello there beautiful" he says with a thick British accent. I glanced at Alex and saw that she was smirking. Oh no! That's the I'm gonna-do-something-evil face.
"I'll just give you two some privacy" Alex says getting up and walking away from our table.
"Just to let you know I have a great sense of fashion." He says sitting down in Alex's place.
"Yeah you sure do." I say sarcastically.
"I'm Harry by the way."
"Ella" I reply with a small smile.
"Are you an interior designer?" Harry asks.
"What?" I ask dumbfounded.
"Because when I saw you the entire room became beautiful" Harry says gazing into my eyes and that was the time I started laughing so hard it took him off guard.
"That was the lamest pick up line I've ever heard and trust me I've heard a lot." I say between laughs.
"Well I try my best"
"Anyway bye Harry I need to get going and your friends are probably waiting for you." I say standing up.
"Bye Ella!" he says waving.
As I walk out I see Alex sitting on one of the benches out of the restaurant. She was on her phone most probably playing candy crush, that's what she always does. I'm used to it.
"Hey let's go" I say walking over to her.
"Where's lover boy?" she asks raising her eyebrows.
"Lover boy used the wrong pick up line" I sated.
"Hmm. Its obvious wrong clothes, wrong pick-up lines. Perfect match"
~ * ~ * ~
"May the odds be ever in your favor" I say kissing my three fingers and holding them up.
We were in our PJ's and had just watched Hunger Games and Catching Fire. As soon as the Big Bang Theory got over Alex saw that the Hunger Games and Catching Fire were coming back to back on Fox, so we decided to have a movie night.
"I swear on my unborn children, I will never get bored of the Hunger Games" Alex says holding her hand out as if she was taking a pledge. I laughed out loud doing the same thing.
"This is what happens when you eat chocolate" I say giggling. We each had like two whole bars of Cadbury Dairy Milk and I think we were high...........on sugar.
"Anyway we better get to bed. Don't wanna be like this in the morning" Alex said getting up to clean the all the popcorn that had fallen on the floor.
"Yeah" I said getting up to help clean the mess.
Once we were done we both set our alarms to 7am as we had to go to the FBI headquarters.
"Good Night babe." Alex said walking into her room.
"Good Night" I say walking in into mine.
So first chapter......
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Live For Love // Niall Horan
Fanfiction64 Number One Hits 35 Million Records Sold Worldwide 2 Billion YouTube Hits They are the biggest boy band in the world; One Direction ~ * ~ Meet Alexis and Ella, They're not your average girls. When people are out there to destroy the biggest...