Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

~Alexis Kinley~

Tomorrow the lads, Ella and I were leaving for the countryside.


Note my sarcasm.

To be honest, I wasn't excited. Everyone knows why. I mean sure it would be fun to go over there with everyone, have fun with the horses and all. I miss Ares. Ares is the horse I named after the Greek God. Like I said I got too carried away.

Today the lads invited Ella and me for a sleepover. Did they even have sleepover these days?? Because for me every day was a sleepover since I lived with Ella. Although it wouldn't be called a proper sleepover since we only stayed up during weekends and the other days Ella would be force me to call it a night early. Boring life I have here. Besides tha-

I'm rambling again, aren't I?

Let's start over, now shall we?

The lads invited Ella and me for a slumber party or what we would call it, a sleepover.

These people are more of girls than guys.

No more rambling Alex.

Oh shut up you stupid voice!! No one was talking to you, actually no one even wants to talk to you. You're just a mean, lousy, selfi-

I'm not!

Yes you are!!


You are!

Was I just having a mental argument with myself?

Great! I need to visit a mental asylum. The conversation between the doctor and I would be like,

Doctor: What can I help you with Ms. Alex?

Me: Oh nothing much, I'm just having random arguments with myself because I keep rambling and I can't stop thinking about this boy. Will you help me?

Doctor: Excuse me?

See even the doctor wouldn't understand.

'You're just saying shit now Alex' that stupid voice in my head spoke and for the first time it said something that was true.

I was thinking/ speaking shit.

Anyway the lads invited Ella and me for a sleepover. They said we could watch some movies, hangout and then later in the morning we would leave for the countryside. I had to make sure not to forget the keys to the house we were going to live in.........otherwise we'd be doomed.

Ever since the shopping trip with Ella, I couldn't stop thinking about Niall. I couldn't just ignore him. It's like he's invaded my mind right now. Whenever someone even mentions him I get all giddy. Yes! I know sounds very cliché.

The more I had to keep distance, the faster I was falling for him.

~ * ~ * ~

"Ello" Louis says as we enter his apartment. We were having the 'sleepover' at his place.

"Hello Louis" Ella and I say and walk in to see everyone either on the couch staring at the T.V or their phone.

My eyes landed on one person in particular,

that one person I wanted to avoid, but I couldn't,

that one person that didn't leave my mind for even a minute,

His eyes locked with mine and he gave me a small smile. I smiled back, I didn't want to be so rude by just walking away. But lately he's been acting very distant. Well I couldn't really blame him, I was the one who put him in that situation.

Uh!! I feel like a bad human being.

"Hey" Liam says.

"So what are we going to be doing in the 'slumber party'" Ella says making quotations for the word slumber party with her hands just too mock Harry.

Yeah! He was the one who called it a slumber party."We can do lots of things, bake cupcakes, manicure-"Harry says counting on his fingers and we give him the 'are you alright?' look.

"Did you hit your head somewhere?" I ask curious to know what happened to him.

"Yeah when I was little, but how does that make a difference now?" Harry asks.

"Why don't we just watch a movie?" Zayn suggests.

"You mean movies" Liam says.

"What?" Zayn asks. That boy is always lost in his own world.

"So what do we watch?" Ella asks and we all look at each other.

"ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS" All of us say in unison.

"Ha! I pick" Louis says and walks over to what I'm assuming is a C-D rack.

"I'll get the popcorn" I say and walk towards the kitchen.

As I walk into the kitchen I notice the various shelves. And I'm just like 'Where the hell is the freaking popcorn?'

After about 20 minutes of looking in different shelves I finally..........I mean finally found that damn popcorn. As I put in the popcorn bag in the microwave to heat up I heard the door open, me being the stupid person assumed it was Louis.

"Louis, why the hell is your kitchen so bi- Niall?" I say turning around to find Niall standing there. After a long time we've been this close and my best friends decided to visit me.

Hello best friends. I missed you so much!

Note my sarcasm.

"Hey Niall. What are you doing here?" I ask trying to sound casual but, obviously that didn't happen.

"Alex...... I need to talk to you" Niall says.

"Is something wrong?"

"Why are you ignoring me?" Niall says. Damn! he noticed I thought it was going perfectly well and after the case I'd just let go all my feelings for Niall.

But we both knew that wouldn't happen.

"I'm not ignoring you. Who said that?" I say trying to sound normal.

"It's just that I've felt that you've been avoiding me."

"I haven't, it's just that I've had a lot of things on my mind lately." I lied. Actually nothing's been on my mind lately............besides the whole countryside thingy.

"Well if you need someone for you. I'll always be there." Niall says.

Those words just made my heart melt.

"Thanks Niall" I say with a small smile.

"Oh and promise me you won't ignore me anymore." Niall said.

"I promise."



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NEXT UPDATE : Friday (I'm gonna update every week now because I still have to write most of the chapters)


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