Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

~Alexis Kinley~

"C'mon guys we gotta go. We'll see the girls soon." Paul says walking in the room.

"This conversation isn't over Styles" I say.

"Anyway bye guys" Ella says giving each one of the lads a hug and I went to do the same. I told each one of the lads bye and now it was Niall's turn. Why was I so nervous? Why was I reacting this way to his presence?

"Bye Niall" I say giving him a hug. I loved the way I felt in his arms. It felt like he was protecting me from the rest of the world. It was a place where I felt safe. I think we took a lot of time because I heard someone cough and we immediately broke apart.

"Umm.....Bye Niall See you soon." I say

"Bye Alex. See you tomorrow." He says and turns around but I don't think he did because I could feel a pair of eyes on me. I looked up to meet Niall's gorgeous blue eyes which sent shivers down my spine. My heart started beating faster. I squeezed my fists and held my breath. I didn't breathe normally until Liam grabbed Niall's shoulder and that made us break eye contact, just then my heart beat went to normal.

In the name of God, what the hell was that?

~ * ~

"C'mon Alex. Hurry up!" Ella says. We were at the FBI headquarters. After the lads left we had to practice our routines for a while and then we were free to go. I was packing up my gym clothes, which I use for practice and Ella kept irritating me to hurry up because they were showing a new episode of Glee today. She likes that show so much. Actually like would be an understatement.

"Jesus Ella! Calm down. It's just a show." I say putting my stuff into my backpack.

"Hey! You do the same for Pretty Little Liars" she says stating a fact. It was true, I always get hyped up for Pretty Little Liars.

"True. Anyway c'mon let's go." I say.

"Finally, because I thought we were going to leave tomorrow" Ella scoffed.

~ * ~ * ~

"AHHHHHHHHHHH" Ella screamed.

"Here scream into this." I say handing her a pillow.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" she screams into the pillow.

"So many emotions Alex" she says putting her head on my shoulder. We had just finished watching Glee and Ella was just hyperventilating.

"Calm down woman. Stop whimpering and grow some balls!!" I say and she doesn't reply.

"Alex, you're phone's ringing." Ella says.

"Who is it?" I ask taking a huge sip of water from my water bottle.

"Niall." Ella says and I spit all the water over face. Holy crap, why is Niall calling?

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" Ella says completely pissed.

"Shut up and give me the phone." I say snatching my phone from her hand.

"Hey" I say picking up the call.

"Hey Alex. Niall here" he says and the way he says my name just makes me wanna die.

"Yeah. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just wondering if you girls wanted to meet us at Pizzaro for dinner."

"Umm. Yeah sure, when?"

"In about 20"

"Yeah okay cool. See you there."

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