Chapter 9
~Niall Horan~
Today all of us were going to the carnival because the great Niall Horan is going to compete in an eating contest. It wasn't anything great it's just that I could eat a lot.
Last night when Alex came over I could notice something different. It wasn't a nice different. You could tell that she was kind of uncomfortable. She hasn't really been talking to me much as well lately. She was clearly avoiding me. But why? I needed to find out.
We decided that we would meet the girls at the carnival itself.
"Zayn c'mon!!" I yell.
"Coming!" he yells back. All the lads were currently at Zayn's apartment waiting for him to fix his hair. Yup! He was a diva.
"It takes time to look like this" Zayn says finally coming out of his room.
"Let's go before anyone gets blind" Louis says.
"Hurtful" Zayn mumbled.
~ * ~ * ~
"Niall c'mon" Louis shouted
"C'mon little leprechaun" Harry shouted
I was currently eating my sixth burger in the eating competition. It was a long table with at least 20 chairs. Each contestant was given 10 burgers and I was currently on my sixth and I couldn't eat anymore!!
C'mon just 2 more bites
I can't!
That's it I put the burger down and walked up to the lads and the girls.
"C'mon let's go for dinner now." Louis said more like he was mocking me.
"I don't need food for the whole of next week." I mumble.
"Within two days you'll come running for food Niall" Zayn said.
"That's true!" I say
~ * ~ * ~
We were all eating some burgers on the outdoor tables of the carnival. Well by we all I mean everyone but me. Everyone was laughing, joking around. Everything was going fine until we heard..........gun shots.
"Everyone on the ground. NOW!" A guy with a mask says. Alex and Ella are just standing there as they shove us to the ground. They are just standing there with their hands behind their backs. But then I notice them pulling out a gun from their back pocket.
Where did that come from? Was it there all along?
"When I say everyone I mean you two princesses as well." They guy says.
"Excuse me? I am not any princess. Now how about you get on the ground." Ella says causing him to smirk,
"Sorry no time for that. I got things to do, places to be. Now how about you get down or be shot" The guy says. I really wanted to pull them down, but I couldn't I was just too hypnotized. I couldn't move anything at all! Alex and Ella wouldn't even get down. They just stand there hiding their guns behind their backs.
"Alright you asked for it" the guy says pointing the gun at them and pulls the trigger but they easily dodge it.
How did they do that??
You dickhead. They are agents they know how to it.
Stupid Voice!!!!!
They pull out their guns from behind them and they shot the guy whilst running out of the way of his bullets. I watch as Alex distracts the man by running around and Ella aims carefully pulling the trigger.
"SHIT!!" the man says as he holds his arm and drops the gun. Ella just shot him. I think Alex took that as her cue as she went up to the guy and kicked him in the balls. She grabs his gun and throws it to Ella. She then handcuffs him and keeps tapping her watch.
We soon here sirens and about 5 cops enter the place.
"Is everyone alright??" the cop asks and everyone mumbles a yes.
"Alex and Ella good job." The cop says and shakes their hands. While they were walking back a few people muttered 'thank you' to them. They just replied with a simple, "it's fine, it's what I do."
"Let's go" Ella says to no one in particular. All of our mouths were hanging open. How can they be so calm about it??
"Yeah sure" Liam says breaking the silence.
"Isn't it the guy's job to protect the girl" I say to Alex as we were walking towards the exit of the carnival.
"It's my job" Alex says giving me a small smile.
This girl............
The more I couldn't get, the more I wanted.
What was she doing to me??
~ * ~ * ~
"Ello" I say as I answer my phone.
"Hey Niall" Liam says.
"What's up lad?"
"We need to go to management's office"
"Okay. When?"
"Now" Who the hell do they think we are?
"What? Why?"
"I don't know buddy"
"Alright. Fine see you there" I say clearly annoyed.
"Bye" Liam says and hangs up.
I hate management sometimes!!
Actually................ I hate them always.
~ * ~ * ~
"Why are we here?" Liam asks Gavin, a guy from our management. Alex and Ella were here as well. Wonder why?
"As you all know, y'all got attacked today. To keep you safe we're sending you with Alex and Ella somewhere safe." Gavin says.
"What is somewhere safe to you?" Harry asks.
"We're sending you to the countryside."
Sorry this chapter is really short :-/
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NEXT UPDATE : Thursday

Live For Love // Niall Horan
Fanfiction64 Number One Hits 35 Million Records Sold Worldwide 2 Billion YouTube Hits They are the biggest boy band in the world; One Direction ~ * ~ Meet Alexis and Ella, They're not your average girls. When people are out there to destroy the biggest...