Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

~Alexis Kinley~

After my little encounter with Niall, I felt more comfortable around him. I knew I never should've ignored him, he'd eventually come to know something's wrong.

"Hey I got the popcorn" I say walking out of the kitchen with two bowls filled with popcorn.

"That's it!" Liam says.

Isn't it enough!

"Yeah" I say unsure.

"Niall doesn't share." Harry says.

"I'll share with Alex" Niall says grabbing a bowl from me. I take my seat next to Niall and take a few bites of the popcorn.

"Niall must really like you because he doesn't share his food with anyone" Louis says and I feel my cheeks turn a shade of pink.

"Shut up!" Niall says throwing a popcorn at Louis.

"It's true" Louis mumbled hoping no one would hear it, well I did.

"What movie are we watching?" Ella says changing the subject.

Love you Ella!

"The Conjuring" Louis says.

"No!" Ella, Harry and Zayn say.

"Yes!!" Louis and I say.

~Niall Horan~

About two and a half hours later I was whimpering. Like seriously whimpering. The movie was freaking scary. Calling it scary would be an understatement. i know i really like horror movies but this one is an exceptional case!

I pretty much looked like a girl in front of Alex. She and Louis were the only ones perfectly fine.

Suddenly we heard banging on the door and that scared the shit out of me.

Where did that even come from??

"Ahh!" Harry screamed. All I know now is that Harry is more of a girl than I am.

"What the hell was that?" Zayn asked hiding behind Liam.

Suddenly the landline starts ringing but I remembered......................

"Niall pick up the phone." Liam says clearly frightened.

"Guys.........we don't have a phone." I say.

Okay now I'm getting freaked out!

"Oh my god. You should've seen your faces!!" We could hear Alex's giggles from across the hall. She and Louis slowly came into view.

"Did you get that on tape?" Louis asks still laughing.

We already have Louis as a prankster and now he's convinced someone else to join him.

"Hell yeah I did." Alex says high-fiving Louis.

"You guys freaked us out!" Harry says. "Wasn't a wise thing!" he adds.

"Again. Look who's talking about being wise." Alex says.

"Okay I don't know about you but I'm tired and freaked out as hell. So good night." I say grabbing my sleeping bag and setting it on the floor of the living room.

Since Harry called it a 'Slumber Party', he said that we should do it properly then. Which is basically spreading all our sleeping bags on the floor.

"Yeah me too." Everyone mumbled.........I guess they did.

"Good job Louis" Alex says.

"We're the best." Louis says. I just give them a glare and they chuckle in return.

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