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he turned the other corridor and spotted the hazel-haired girl he was slowly getting accustomed to. a small smile form on his thin lips as he approached her.

"hello, rose."

"oh hey."

"you look really happy. and what's that? paper planes?"

"i've been trying to learn how to fold them. i didn't know why i even bother to learn it. it's such a hassle."

"rose, you're like 18. isn't it a basic skill to fold paper planes ever since you're young?"

she'd be offended by his words if it wasn't jungkook. but since it's him, she made it an exception. she chuckled a little when she tore the corner of the paper by accident.

seeing how much she was struggling was fascinating to him. how she pouted when she tried flying it, but it was too flimsy. or how it was folded with it not being parallel with one another.

taking hold of the last paper beside rose, he told her to look at him. slowly and calmly folding it step by step to make sure she got it. once it was done, he had it thrown toward the dustbin.

"why'd you do that? you could've given it to me!"

"i'll make you another one. a much bigger and a nicer one! how bout that?"

her smile was all he needed as a reply. she was constantly flipping her poetry book, not actually reading it but as though searching for something. jungkook thought it was hilarious because when her eyebrows furrowed, she'd look serious. and she's never been. spinning around with the fidget spinner on his hands, both of them sat on the bench quietly.

his mind linger off to his neighbor. such mysterious and full of questions. the recent reply was short and it left him with lots of doubts.

you'd think people smoke to get away from reality
the truth is, no
not for me

swatting the cold sweats away, he hum a melodious tune under his breath. his eyes felt heavy and he fight his sudden urge to sleep away. he didn't want to move his visions away from the figure beside him. he was afraid that if he closes his eyes, she'll go away.

paper planes. || j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now