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what kind of person are you?

a very handsome one. how about you?

a very pretty one.

prettier than the sunrise?

prettier than the sunrise.

chuckling deeply after reading her response, he let his body fall into his squeaking bed. he turned to his right, toward the open window. the radiant shining sun starts to rise from the ground as it fill the atmosphere with mighty hue of red. it blended with the puffy clouds with rays of pink. it was mesmerising and dazzling, not letting him to keep his eyes of them.

his smile grew wide when another plane flew across his room. he picked it up, ruffling his already messy hair, and grabbing a pen as well.

you're full of mystery. just like the guy i really like

that guy must've been lucky then.

sure it was scary to be talking to a neighbour you've never seen. they might have been a creep, pedophile, an old man or woman but somehow she knew that he was none of it. she didn't felt like going to school that day, neither did he. he felt light-headed and dizzy. all he wanted to do that day was lay in bed and think of her. even when his head was pounding to the point that a trickle of blood drip out from his nose.

he stared at his own reflection who he thought he could barely recognize. he didn't know these side effects would've come sooner. his pale and blanch skin made him look miserable. to get his mind off things, he took his gaze back to the window.

everytime he woke up for his dream, he thanked the god above. everytime, the daylight filled his visions he prayed that the opportunity would come again. and when the sun seep into his room, he smiled and once again thanked Him for granting his wish.

"thank you, god." he whispered before slowly drifting off to pitch darkness

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