15. ( end )

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"are you sure you'll be okay?"

"yes. just please don't you worry. i'll be fine."

jungkook wrapped his thick layered jacket tightly on his body as he stroll towards the small hill. even though his heart was pumping slower than ever, his spirits didn't die. as soon as he sat on the damp grass, he took a while to catch his breath. his feet felt too cold even when the hot pads was on his soles. he played around with his fidget spinner as he waits for her arrival.

"jungkook? is that you?"

a sweet honey-like voice made him smile at instance as he moved his eyes on the girl he longed to see. she was dressed in a yellow gown and her hair had it tied up in braid. just the sight of her made his stomach do backflip. he adjusted his hair a little, wanting to look presentable as she sat beside him.

"how? wh-why are you here?"

"who are you supposed to meet here, rose?"

"my neighbor, the one who gave me-"

"paper planes."

"no way."

"yes way. i'm amazed you actually took so long to find it out that i had to meet you in person."

jungkook took out a piece of plane on his pocket. it was the first one she ever gave him and it still made his heart leap out of his chest recalling. her features was ever so glowing in his eyes, he couldn't completely tear his gaze off her.

she was captivated by this boy's aura under the moonlight and she couldn't emphasized how much she misses him. even though she was surprised and a little in undeniable, she was glad when he was finally right in front of her.

"you look different, jungkook."

although he tangled his hands in her and she was happy, she can't help but felt her heart sinking when she noticed how his lips were pale. his touch was bitter cold and his face were draining color.

when his hands intertwined hers, she jerked a little at the sudden frost. he could do nothing than just smile. to compare with hers, she was like the flames of candle light in his room whereas he on the other hand felt like iceberg.

"are you okay?"

"i wasn't but i think i am now" he whispered loud enough for her to hear as he brought her closer to him

"i really don't think you're well. do you have a fever?"

she rested his palm on his forehead, feeling that his temperature felt too normal to be call a fever. he smiled at her actions and took her hands away only to interlock them again.

"i'm gonna tell you something crazy. do you like crazy?"

"i guess" she chuckled.

"i really like you, rose. a little too much and i know time is the greatest enemy now and i hate it. as soon as i fix my eyes on you, i hate the path that's set for me. i know once i said that, i'll be known selfish but i just want to feel this moment for once. rose, this smile i put up for months now is all for you. everytime i had my eyes shut, i'm so afraid that i couldn't see the light anymore and most of all i wouldn't be able to see you again."

his words sounded like melody in a symphony. it was as though he had it practiced over and over again to make sure it sounded perfect. either way, she was speechless and she could feel heat rising up her cheeks. she grasp his hands tighter as she look at the stars above.

"i like you too. if you don't know already" she laughed lightly.

her smile brings radiance to one's face and he could feel the butterflies in his stomach. he swore he wouldn't ever forgot how it looks like. it is the perfect smile culmination of all kinds of emotions. he felt giddy and if he could, he'd like to savor and capture this moment to stay eternal.

"look at the stars. and look at you. i don't even know which one's brighter."

"cheesy. but i like cheesy." she replied

he leaned his head onto her shoulder, breathing the scent of vanilla perfume she used. he felt like the first time in forever that he was engulfed in tranquility and solitude. he loved the peace especially when he was right next to her. he couldn't put it in words how he wanted so bad for this to last forever.

"so what's this? does this consider i'm meeting you for the first time just like you said in the letter?"

"let's just say between dawn and sunrise, that's when i met you first. let's act like we fall in love with just the help of poetry thrown in our faces every now and then." he spoke confidently


he let out a deep chuckle as he gazed upon the open field. even when his head felt like it was separating into half and it aches his every move, he was contented when he's right beside her. whipping the drops of red liquid away, he ignored the excruciating pain and smiled as he interlocked his arms with hers. he loved the comfort.

"clingy already aren't you?"


"are you okay? you feel really cold."

"i am. just be quiet, rose. i'm tryna breath moments like this."


rose held onto his hand and form deep gaze on the moon. she couldn't see his expression but she knows he was smiling and she did too. she plucked out a daisy on the ground and lifted it up as she admire it. putting it back down, she placed it inside jungkook's front pocket jacket and she soon realised his eyes were shut.


"thank you, rose."

"for what?"

"for becoming my light,for becoming the flower in the most beautiful moment in life even for a short while. i'm glad i made you smile. i feel accomplish."

his breathing hitch a little at the end of the sentence and he gasp for air. he exhale deeply the cold air from his mouth and feel the pain slowly subsiding. one last time, he whispered his thanks to god for letting him feel the happiness despite that it wasn't for long before he fell into a deep slumber that he knew he'll never wake up from.


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