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"people can get so mean sometimes." she spoke as she look toward the heavy traffic down below

horns and curses flew out in every direction, it was noise polluting. she rolled her eyes when she see a muscular man threw a punch at the petite looking boy who was trying to ease the situation. as she watches the argument, her attention was taken away when a white coloured paper flew in her room.

"holy shit."

as i lay inside with the plush toy next to me
i feel a change in the weather
i slowly notice the sky was not much of grey
and the clouds and sun blended perfectly with one another
even the daylight seemed so much brighter
only the sweet scent of candle filled my room
i can do nothing, except to thank you
that you're finally smiling again

she felt a strong sense of urge to scream and jump happily as she read the note again and again. her siblings threw dirty looks at her when she smiled sheepishly like a girl whose lost her sanity. perhaps she was crazy, to go mad over a little poetry. or maybe she was crazy that even these little words moved her to keep her smile on her face the whole day.

although she felt a little skeptical at the note at first, she was glad she saw those initials. the handwritings were neater than the previous and so not-like him but it didn't matter much to her at that moment.

school went a total dull for her. the court was empty as she sat on the rusty bleachers.

"would it be too much if i call on him? do i look desparate?"

those opinions bombarding on her mind didn't matter anymore as she dialled his number and waited for his voice.


his voice sounded hoarse and unclear, she was in doubt if it was really him on the other line.

"hello? rose is that you?" he coughed out lightly

he's been contemplating to answer her calls. he didn't want to sound like a miserable person thus he gained his courage and the very few amount of energy to sound more like the old him.

how he misses her silvery voice when she speaks. her soft giggles when she plays around in the court. and her presence. he wanted so bad to reach out to her, to embrace and tell her that he was scared. jungkook was scared of the time. the time that was slipping from his hands like quick sand. he didn't know when it'll come to an end, and he was worried that at any point of time could be his last.

if there was genie, he'd beg him to grant his one and only wish. for his love to stay eternal. he wanted to give those whom he love all the happiness he has. even he was meant to leave.

it deeply saddened him to think that he probably wouldn't be able to throw the graduation cap up on the air. that he couldn't watch his mum cry as he watches his wife walk toward him on the dias. or he wouldn't be able to wipe a tear escape when he lay his eyes on his first newborn baby. he knew he couldn't blame fate anymore and grew to accept it.

he knew more than ever, that everyone eventually dies one way or another and it was all a matter of time. but he can't help but cursed when he set his heart on her.

now all he wanted was more time. just a little more time.

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