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Thank you to everyone who sent me messages about my grandfather. I really appreciate it. Losing someone does suck and it will never get easier but I'm better today than I was this time last year. Thank you guys again. Much love.

Little bit of a time jump

Your POV:

The season is almost over. Kailen and I went out a few more times. Nothing's really happened.

She's scared of Kelley.

We had practice before our last home game of the season against FC Kansas City.

"Y/N." Coach said. "You are wanted. Your agent is here."

I looked at everyone. "Uh yeah ok."

Sam's POV:

"O'Hara what did you do?" I asked.

"Nothing." She said. "I swear I didn't do anything."

"What is happening?" Kailen asked. "What did you do, dumbass?" She looked at Kelley.

"I didn't do anything!" Kelley sighed. "And why are you all worried? It's not like you two are dating." She rolled her eyes.

"Maybe if you stopped threatening me I would ask her out." Kelley froze. "Yeah. I said it. Kelley. I really like her, and I don't know how or why, but she likes me too. It would be weird if she didn't considering how many times we've gone out. I know you hate the idea of her moving on because you are still in love with her, but YOU let her go. YOU treated her like shit and she left. Then you told her to go through with the divorce. She isn't yours anymore Kelley."

"Oh, Canada. Look who grew some balls." I sang.

Kailen smiled.

"You're right." Kelley said. "She isn't mine anymore. But she isn't yours either. She will never be yours because she is a person, not an object, Kailen. Have a little respect."

"You wanna lecture me about respect? You've cheated on her, sided against her, didn't defend her when some bitch in camp was talking shit and blamed her for everything that happened but you wanna lecture ME about respect?" Kailen smiled. "You are the last person I wanna listen to when it comes to Y/N."

Your POV:

"Why now?" I asked. "I thought I was doing good here?"

"You are." The managers said. "But we know about the divorce you and Kelley had. And you never would've been brought to the team if it wasn't for her. She's our captain."

"You'd rather get rid of me than her." I sat back. "I get it. So where am I going?"

"You have a choice." My agent said. "We've got three teams on the table. Washington, North Carolina, or Seattle."

Which team sounds most appealing. I picked teams I haven't really done before. I did Washington once but that whole organization is a joke I put it.

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