A Moonlit Swim

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"You will need those." He points at a shelf in the bohío. Travis and Steven sprint over and grab two hanging flashlights, then race back.

"Lead the way, boys," Kiki says, twirling a long strand of hair around her finger and looking at Travis. Everyone chatters as they walk out the gate and down the path leading to the sea. I follow behind, hearing the waves clearly as we clamber down a rocky trail, reaching the ocean in only a few minutes. I inhale sharply.

The moon's bright enough to illuminate the beach, which is absolutely stunning. Diamond-black sand shimmers under our feet, sparkling like a billion tiny jewels. Azure blues and emerald greens saturate the shore, flashing and reflecting the moonlight.

"The beach must be made from volcanic ash," Juan says. Travis shines his flashlight down the length of it. Pockets of white sand swirl with the black, all of it smooth, packed down by pounding waves.

"I think the tide's going out," Juan says.

"Anyone feel like swimming?" Travis asks, looking directly at me. I look away. I still haven't decided what I'm going to do and don't want to give him an opportunity to ask.

"We don't have our bathing suits," Harp points out.

"So?" He yanks his white tee over his head.

"Easy for you to say," Chrissy says. "You can just go in your shorts."

"Well, I'm going in." Travis tosses his shirt on the sand.

"Me too," says Steven, doing the same.

They run toward the water, yelling and whooping like a couple of eight-year-olds. The rest of us follow them down. The top layer of sand crunches softly under my feet as the weight of my body breaks through the crusty upper layer. All of us wade into the sea, except Harp. Again, the water is deliciously icy after the smothering heat of the day.

"Look at the phosphorescence!" Juan points down.

I look at the water and move my foot in a slow arc. Tiny sparks shoot off all around it like fireworks.

"Harp, come check this out," I call.

"No thanks," she says, crossing her arms. "I can't swim."

"I'm not swimming. I'm standing."

"What if a wave knocks me over?" Her voice is tremulous.

"Here." I wade back to the shore. "Hold on to my arm. We won't go far."

She's silent for a minute.

"C'mon," Juan says.

"Alright." She looks at him and takes a deep breath, clutching my arm. We wade slowly over to Juan who's running his hands quickly through the water, sparks igniting everywhere.

"What causes it?" I ask.

"Microorganisms," he says.

"It's so pretty," Harp says, her grip on my arm relaxing the barest fraction.

"Look up," Juan says.

Thousands of stars shine above our heads, competing with the phosphorescence in the sparkle department.

"There's Orion," I point.

"Where's the Big Dipper?" Harp asks, scanning the sky.

"Over there," I say. "It's kinda upside down." I notice it's gotten quiet and glance over to see Travis and Steven advancing, feigned innocence across their faces. Chrissy and Kiki, engrossed in their own private conversation, spot them at the same time.

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